Posted by cosmicbutterPosted by GobshitePosted by cosmicbutter
What is the sign of the nosy bitch?
Probably Virgo...
Or geminiclick to expand
Posted by truecapPosted by Romancelives
Hi Aquas,
Just a quick question, aimed at the Aqua males in particular. How would you react to getting a state of the art laptop with all the trimmings, from someone deeply into you that you may not be in a relationship with, but have a bond with? Do Aqua translate gifts into bribery, or do they see them as just gifts?
Admittedly, such an expensive gift can make an impact, but would it make a good or bad one on an Aqua?
Asking a Christmas has been upon us and gifts have been exchanged!!!
I'm an aqua mars and that expensive gift would make me extremely uncomfortable. I'd feel like you were bribing me or trying to buy my love. It'd give me an icky feeling.
I don't think aquas put a lot of impact on expensive things. My impression is they'd rather have something meaningful (a.k.a something that represents a private joke or something that comes from the heart) or something cool, inexpensive but exotic/weird/ to expand
Posted by killerwhalemoonPosted by RomancelivesPosted by killerwhalemoonPosted by RomancelivesPosted by killerwhalemoon
As an aqua myself thanking me for doing something im not good at makes me feel like your my mother and thats not attractive. Id drop the first person to do that. I do it on my terms when i want to and if anyone gives me credit ill never do it again.
Wow, thank GOD he's not like you then!!! Sounds a bit sad that you think only your mother should be supportive of your efforts... Well, I guess if he REALLY didn't want to he wouldn't have, But he did and I recognised how tough it was for him and I showed my appreciation! Why should that cause anyone who isn't selfish and self absorbed to not do it again.
Let me guess, you are a young unevolved Aqua? or could be just unevolved? Which poor self depreciating person will you find on this earth that will live by your terms alone? Relationships are a two way street!!! How boring would it be to have someone who always lets you have your way? You're not always right for start...
I havent actually had anyone do that to me because they know me well enough.
I dont feel bad about the way I work. Im sorry you do tho
I really don't feel bad at all. I just don't understand I guess...
For not understanding you sure got offended. You should keep an open mind about things you dont to expand
Posted by killerwhalemoonPosted by RomancelivesPosted by killerwhalemoon
As an aqua myself thanking me for doing something im not good at makes me feel like your my mother and thats not attractive. Id drop the first person to do that. I do it on my terms when i want to and if anyone gives me credit ill never do it again.
Wow, thank GOD he's not like you then!!! Sounds a bit sad that you think only your mother should be supportive of your efforts... Well, I guess if he REALLY didn't want to he wouldn't have, But he did and I recognised how tough it was for him and I showed my appreciation! Why should that cause anyone who isn't selfish and self absorbed to not do it again.
Let me guess, you are a young unevolved Aqua? or could be just unevolved? Which poor self depreciating person will you find on this earth that will live by your terms alone? Relationships are a two way street!!! How boring would it be to have someone who always lets you have your way? You're not always right for start...
I havent actually had anyone do that to me because they know me well enough.
I dont feel bad about the way I work. Im sorry you do thoclick to expand
Posted by Palerio
What placements of yours you think make you an Aqua magnet? I'm curious to know.
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
Is this the same Aquarian you bought a laptop for???
Posted by SassyKiwi
AWWW omg look at these Aquas getting so touchy and jumping to protect one of their owns' feelings. You all are a bunch of
Posted by killerwhalemoon
As an aqua myself thanking me for doing something im not good at makes me feel like your my mother and thats not attractive. Id drop the first person to do that. I do it on my terms when i want to and if anyone gives me credit ill never do it again.
Posted by killerwhalemoon
As an aqua myself thanking me for doing something im not good at makes me feel like your my mother and thats not attractive. Id drop the first person to do that. I do it on my terms when i want to and if anyone gives me credit ill never do it again.
Posted by WaterBearerer
just get him the laptop lol fuck what they say
Posted by aqualady0118Posted by RomancelivesPosted by aqualady0118
Also, with my Aqua ex, he showed a lot of discomfort saying the 3 little words and rarely said it. Even kissing..he wasn't a kisser. However, he showed his love through actions..I never doubted his love for me.
...but now he's an ex? That's my point, I find Aquas make it so difficult at times it ends up failing. Not that I know your reason of course. I just feel it gets tough to love someone so much, yet they keep you at arms length emotionally. That's why I draw him out sometimes, it can't all be one way, that's why it's a relationship, we have to learn to relate to each other or it won't/can't last!
So far, he always comes back after his 'recharge' and the bond always seems stronger!
That's right he's an ex now for reasons that are none of your business. When we were together though, we understood each other's need for space and knew exactly what we each were thinking. He's still in my life and he will always remain special to me. I only found Aquas and Geminis compatible with myself. Most people can't handle to expand