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AgeofAquarius65 joined June 05, 2006



To make it easier for you astrology fans out there... I have decided to start a topic on what books could be good to learn about your sun sign, moon sign, compatibility, anyything at alll about astrology.
here's mine recommendation so far:
for compatibility- Love Signs by Linda Goodman
oh also, anyone know any good moon sign books that i could buy? i'm willing to spend!
You know you like Guns N' Roses!! COME ON SPREAD THE LOVE!! lol. and definently led zeppelin also..
As it says on the topic.. if anyone wants to get a good book for compatibility and horoscopes.. get Linda Goodman's Love Signs. thick lookin book with a maroon color. It has a really good and very descriptive explanation on all of the signs and it has a list on the back saying what celebrity is ur horoscope! I recommend it
I know i've been reading horoscope pairings and it already says capricorn guys and aqua girl won't sux because I'm always attracted to earth and water signs which are completely opposite of my element and stuff. Any advice on how to get a capricorn man to like you or any relationship advice at all?
I'm hoping to get also some advice on moon sign books that I could possibly get a Barnes & Nobles or Borders. I tried to find moon sign books but it just all didn't make sense to me.... But is it true that opposites attract and stay together?

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