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Alabaster joined May 27, 2013


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The take comfort in the past. If you were ever a part of their life they'll pop in and out whenever they need that comfort again. When they get it... Gone again.
I signed up recently and there are loads of earth signs contacting me. Mostly Caps, then Virgo, then Taurus...with a few Gems, libras, cancers. Even fewer sags and aries. 2 or 3 Leos and aquas. 1 Scorp. No Pisces reached out.
Don't mind the spelling and grammar please, I'm on my phone.
Do you think earth signs are more likely to use a dating service since they're busy making money? :p
Posted by NotaTrueScorpio
If you're not thinking about the Cancer 24/7 because you have responsibility, life to answer to. The Cancers I have encountered were demanding of time and attention. It seems that if you don't give it to them, then the stupid passive-aggressive game is on--tit for tat---any hope for love is destined to be doomed.

+1 billion
Posted by seraph
Posted by Alabaster
He gave it back today. I was never not going to give him money, I was just a little suspicious because its such a small amount and for only 2 days. . Maybe he lost his ATM card like you said. Case closed. :p

Beat me to it. Very good.
I hope my comment was wrong/inapplicable in your case! I just get very careful when issues of money come into play. The results can turn not-good pretty quickly.
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Yes, honestly, I've never been in this situation. I've never had a guy ask to borrow money period. I don't want to make snap judgements though. It may have been embarrassing for him to even ask. So long as it doesn't become a habit, I won't honk anything of it.
He gave it back today. I was never not going to give him money, I was just a little suspicious because its such a small amount and for only 2 days. . Maybe he lost his ATM card like you said. Case closed. :p
Who said I haven't known him long? Lol. He said he'll give it back tomorrow. We'll see
He usually pays for everything. If I bring him food he gives me the money right away. I've even tried to say "my treat" and he stuffs the money in my purse.
I'm being bamboozled?
My cancer guy asked to borrow a small amount of money. Is this a test? I don't know his financial situation but he has a great job and a nice car, I can't imagine that he really needs $ 50 from me. He wants to borrow it for 2 days lol. It just seems really silly.

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My cancer guy asked to borrow a small amount of money. Is this a test? I don't know his financial situation but he has a
Joined: May 27, 2013 · Topics: 2 · Posts: 9
Relationships & Astrology
I signed up recently and there are loads of earth signs contacting me. Mostly Caps, then Virgo, then Taurus...with a few
Joined: May 27, 2013 · Topics: 2 · Posts: 9

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