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ami_virgo19 joined May 24, 2006
from Hull, United Kingdom
Sun position is 18 deg. 40 min. of Scorpio Moon position is 15 deg. 44 min. of Libra Mercury position is 29 deg. 45 min. of Libra Venus position is 19 deg. 54 min. of Scorpio Mars position is 9 deg. 36 min. of Sc
Sun position is 18 deg. 40 min. of Scorpio Moon position is 15 deg. 44 min. of Libra Mercury position is 29 deg. 45 min. of Libra Venus position is 19 deg. 54 min. of Scorpio Mars position is 9 deg. 36 min. of Scorpio Jupiter position is 8 deg. 06 min. of Pisces Saturn position is 18 deg. 48 min. of Cancer Uranus position is 29 deg. 25 min. of Libra Neptune position is 8 deg. 35 min. of Sagittarius Pluto position is 8 deg. 13 min. of Libra Asc. position is 3 deg. 07 min. of Libra MC position is 3 deg. 24 min. of Cancer 2nd cusp position is 0 deg. 29 min. of Scorpio 3rd cusp position is 1 deg. 00 min. of Sagittarius 5th cusp position is 5 deg. 47 min. of Aquarius 6th cusp position is 6 deg. 09 min. of Pisces


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So I've been dating this Leo for about a month now... All going well, seems to be a few control issues but were learning to compromise.
I prob should tell you the history...
We met in march, went to a huge party together, had lots of fun. I kept it quite casual as I was sleeping with someone else so I only saw my Leo once a week or so. After a few meetings, maybe 6 weeks or so, the Leo was asking for more from me, said she wants to get to know me more, go on dates etc, I said I wasn't ready etc.
So then were in April 26th to be exact and I see her at a pub, we hang out but it's clear she's over my games etc. We still hang out, have lots of fun etc... We're then inseparable. I prob should mention I ended it with another girl (libra) I was seeing so my full attention was on the Leo. We hang out all the time which brings us to current day, were together but I can't figure her out, I give her so much attention, affection, I listen, good to her friends etc but it seems we've done a complete 180 and now I'm the one who really likes her and although I know she wouldn't see me if she doesn't like me. I just want to know what Leo's are like in relationships? She's all cool, calm and confident. Meanwhile inside I just want her to fall for me.
I'm a first decan virgo with Leo rising.
All I know if her is she's a 2nd decan Leo, older than me etc.
I asked her why she sent it. She said she just over analysed it. We were great still.
We never bring up that it would me' more or could be, she is from uk the same as me' but I'm traveling Australia and she is sponsored by the company we work for.
I have to leave in 4 months :/
This morning we were getting ready to leave and she just wouldn't stop kissing me' and said 'i like kissing you' I do her too!
So we left each other because she is going away with friends. We have been texting today. Still flirting. We hav discussed her cooking for me' etc.
We don't put kisses on the end of our msgs. The last one I sent was
'Have fun. x'
She replied
'Did i see a kiss at the end of that?i like. U hav a good'n too. smile '
So I'm confused!!!! I don't know what to do. I really like her. I always get attracted to scorpios and her personality is amazing!!!
I like her a lot. I want to keep doing this but I worry she will just end it if it gets too emotional. This is why I'm playing it cool etc. Our situation sucks. Unless I get sponsored.
I want her so bad. I don't know what to think or do!
I need advice.
Me and this Scorpio started off emailing at work. She is the deputy marketing director n I just work in sales. We met first about a month ago. Had little chat. Nothing huge. I suspected she was gay.??
Anyway. I was off sick for a few days with swine flu (or suspected) when I returned she emailed me' and was like 'did you really have the swine?"
We then started chatting over email about random things.this was for a few days. The Friday came about and my work has work drinks. She asked if I was going. I knew I was attracted to her. I went, stayed talking to my team, I asked her to rescue me' because I was stood talking to a boring colleague.
She invited me' over and Introduced me' to her colleagues etc. Anyway...long story..short.
We, mainly me at first. Were flirting. We had good banter, would take the piss out of each other etc. She i
Just came out and asked me 'are you flirting with me " I liked it because I liked the fact that she just said it. We went to a house party n she kissed me.??
I then went to her house and we slept together all night n then sober the next day. ??She is so funny, confident and sexy as!! She's older than me too. I'm 24 (august 27th) she's 29/30 on 17th November.??
After that at work we were emailing all the time. On tues we went for drinks and just made out. She was unwell on thurs so I said I'd cook for her, I slept over.
Friday (yesterday) work drinks again. We went out. We ended up passing each other in the toilet and she asked me to follow her. I did. We made out in toilets. She then Left to go to a gig with a friend. We exchanged numbers. We met up after her gig.??
I went back to hers and again spent the night together.??
The sex is amazing. We laugh all the time. We're both sarcastic which we love.??
Sounds perfect...???
She got out of a 5year relationship with her first love, first female relationship. That ended a year ago and she said she loves being single. 'she feels like herself again' I think her first relationship really cut her deep.??
I asked why she likes me'. She said she likes how I challenge her etc. So last night when she was at the gig she text me' this message??
'She is cool.u know i like u-clearly-but u know me,i don't want to fuck u around-i am a shit.i'd like to call u but don't want to be a twat to its up to u. x'
Im virgo & with a cappy its amaaaazing
I was just in a very similar situation.
I am Virgo 27/08/86
She is Capricorn 7/1/90
Remember im uk so months are diff smile
I wasnt sure she was interested because she was a lil reluctant to show feelings. She lived 4 hrs away from me. I am from the UK and she is australian. We decided to give things a go.
She is amazing. All we do is laugh together. She is completely comfortable and so am I and it has only been 6-7 weeks.
My advice is go for it. Virgo & capricorns are brilliant together in my opinion.
Trouble is i have to leave australia in 10 months. She will come with me wherever I go. hopefully it will work out.
In regards to your sit, if he doesnt want to pursue then his loss cos we're a brilliant match smile
I get bored sooo easily. Its broken 2 of my relationships.
I hope I dont get bored of my new cappy she is simply delightful.
Totally understand what you mean. When we're together we just kept thinking all the same things, one of us would say something and the other would just turn around and be lik e"Omg I was just thinking that" even last night because she lives 3 hrs away from me, we were on MSN and we wrote exactly the same thing, then was like "Omg that was weird" then both wrote "Im laughing my head off" Its sooo weird.
She has brought a side of me to the surface that I havent seen in a long time and she said the same about her. I have only known her 3 weeks but I feel as if I will be very close to her and I feel that we will only get stronger as time goes on and im soo looking forward to it.
I have never met a capricorn that have been a potential love interest, always met straight girls or guys, they have always been good friends or ending up being that.
I met a capricorn about 2 weeks ago, there was an instant attraction, we had good banter and ended up going to the club together and hanging out. Since then we have spoken none stop and she is soooo amazing, she is so open with her feelings and brings out a side to me that I thought I had lost, I have never felt so comfortable being open with someone about my feelings, normally I am overwhelmed at feelings this big but this just feels amazing and she said she feels exactly the same, saying she doesnt normally feel this comfortable so soon even with friends, she can be herself with me and its only been like 2 weeks, its awesome I just wondered if anyone can shed some light on what the deal is with these two signs?
She makes me melt with her words and when im around her it is amazing, I cannot put it into words xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have never met a capricorn that have been a potential love interest, always met straight girls or guys, they have always been good friends or ending up being that.
I met a capricorn about 2 weeks ago, there was an instant attraction, we had good banter and ended up going to the club together and hanging out. Since then we have spoken none stop and she is soooo amazing, she is so open with her feelings and brings out a side to me that I thought I had lost, I have never felt so comfortable being open with someone about my feelings, normally I am overwhelmed at feelings this big but this just feels amazing and she said she feels exactly the same, saying she doesnt normally feel this comfortable so soon even with friends, she can be herself with me and its only been like 2 weeks, its awesome I just wondered if anyone can shed some light on what the deal is with these two signs?
She makes me melt with her words and when im around her it is amazing, I cannot put it into words xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I know this is an old post but I just wanted to find out what the deal was with cap and virgo, I have never found one that I am interested in they have always been friends, until i met this girl about 2 weeks ago we have spoken everyday since, she is amazing, so deep with her feelings and is opening up a side to me that I thought id lost, together we are so honest about how we feel and it is not at all overwhelming. Ah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Love this post, Im virgo and seeing a cap, we're soo honest about our feelings its awesome and its not in anyway freakin' the other or ourself out smile
I'm virgo and have never met a capricorn I liked until now, I have always got a long with them but never had an interest in one, I met a girl in a club like 2 weeks ago and it was major attraction, We havent stopped speaking the whole time, I went and stayed with her over the weekend and it is amazing, quite scary how awesome it is.

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