u ugly ass piece of shit red neck.
Thanks for proving how racist you black liberals really are.
I say YEAH, because there is a high probability that it will work--I think economists say 60-80% chance, so that's promising.
Also, we've spent billions and billions overseas so that the republicans could play war-monger, I think it's time to do a little nation-building HERE.
Typical Liberal. Obviously you're unaware that this plan has been attempted before, and has FAILED. Why try something that has a history of failing? Obama is actually duplicating everything Bush did. Oh, the Irony.
Not to mention that Obama is a Liar. He said the American people would get a good amount of time to see what was in this bill, and we didn't. Because he knows that people with brains wouldn't approve of it.
I love how he is blatantly destroying the country, yet the liberals are hanging by that little thread trying to defend him as much as possible.
Oh, and I love his supporters who ask him for free houses, jobs and cars. Boy, are they educated or WHAT? Amazing. They REALLY know what the president's job is. And it isn't surprising that the ones asking for free stuff are either Black or Hispanic.......Hey, don't look at me like that, the proof is right there in the pudding!
Oh, and about that "Fairness Doctrine". I can't see how ANYONE could possibly support that. The libs basically want all conservative talk show hosts to lose their jobs so that liberals can take over every media outlet there is. It's funny that the liberals are whining about conservative radio hosts like Limbaugh, Hannity and Savage, yet those are the only conservative voices in the media! Liberals have ALL of television on their side and the entire internet, and they have the fucking audacity to whine about conservatives having a voice on AM Radio only? Jesus Christ, anyone with any common sense can see how power hungry the liberals really are. They don't want anyone pointing out how badly the Messiah is doing as President.
I just realized after taking a second look that I was way off. I said that Sagittarius won this hands down, but I was wrong. I basically gave it to Sag just because of Hendrix and Sinatra alone, but there are too many shitty teeny boppers and untalented rappers there that I didn't really notice before.
My new vote goes to Aries. Clearly they easily have the best singers/performers
and bravo for you ladies since most of you seem to be EDUCATED!
Not really. Most of them are typical "liberals". With their "Like OMG" attitudes. Snobby whores.
They probably walk around half naked with big sunglasses on giving crooked peace signs when someone takes their picture. Stupid liberal cunts.