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AnomalousBull joined February 04, 2015
40 years old male from Newark, California, United States
"I'm a Public Safety Photographer covering the Tri Cities area of Alameda County, California"
"I'm a Public Safety Photographer covering the Tri Cities area of Alameda County, Californiahttps:"



I like the Asian peeps, every time I'm in public and encounter one I immediately think of ANDS. LOL.

Posted by AgentP911
Posted by AnomalousBull
I always hated the rock treatment. When I was a child maybe five or so a group of kids from the old neighborhood tied me up to this big tree in my neighbors front yard and pelted me with rocks because I was "Annoying" and deserved to die. LOL.

Then just a few short years later in 6th grade, this Hispanic kid named Robert decided to pelt me with rocks cause I told his crew that he was in a Special Class. One day they were all mocking me, etc cause I was in the class and I made it known he was too. Robert was a hood, his whole family was hood, he was also popular but only because he was hood and brought drugs to school. I was in regular classes like him, but I had to attend one "special" class twice a week. When he was in front of his friends he was this bad ass who didn't give two fucks about anyone but himself, but when he was in that class he pretended to be the nicest person around.

Anyway, I'm waffling at this point. I stormed him on the black top knocking him down and we tussled for awhile until a teacher found us. I got suspended for five weeks. Even though I had rock imprints in my skin, he only got detention. Hated that prick, heard he died in a drive by a few years later.

You're mom is Deaf? I like Deaf people, I sometimes go to the Deaf campus next town over and engage with them through ASL. Sometimes being surrounded by hearing people isn't all it's cracked up to be. Eh.

You racist. Those rocks are in a minority...
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Hey I'm the minority here!


My town is more Asian and Hispanic than anything else.
I always hated the rock treatment. When I was a child maybe five or so a group of kids from the old neighborhood tied me up to this big tree in my neighbors front yard and pelted me with rocks because I was "Annoying" and deserved to die. LOL.

Then just a few short years later in 6th grade, this Hispanic kid named Robert decided to pelt me with rocks cause I told his crew that he was in a Special Class. One day they were all mocking me, etc cause I was in the class and I made it known he was too. Robert was a hood, his whole family was hood, he was also popular but only because he was hood and brought drugs to school. I was in regular classes like him, but I had to attend one "special" class twice a week. When he was in front of his friends he was this bad ass who didn't give two fucks about anyone but himself, but when he was in that class he pretended to be the nicest person around.

Anyway, I'm waffling at this point. I stormed him on the black top knocking him down and we tussled for awhile until a teacher found us. I got suspended for five weeks. Even though I had rock imprints in my skin, he only got detention. Hated that prick, heard he died in a drive by a few years later.

You're mom is Deaf? I like Deaf people, I sometimes go to the Deaf campus next town over and engage with them through ASL. Sometimes being surrounded by hearing people isn't all it's cracked up to be. Eh.

That's why if you are a scrawny little shit you don't start fights with bigger people. As soon as he threw the first punch and the green shirt backed away, I knew the green shirt was going to make him his bitch.

I gotta send this to my Uncle, he spent the majority of his Military Career in the brig for beating up guys like that. Uncle's Philosophy has always been "If they are looking for divine intervention who is he to deny them?" LOL!
Very true. This guy named Deshawn back in school used to call me that and other derogatory names like cracker and albino etc. So one day I called him a fucking porch monkey, next thing I knew I was surrounded by him and seven of his closest friends.

Not being one to back down, I also called him the N word and got socked in the face HARD. But I did bust his nose and lip before getting jumped by his friends so we were kinda even. Joys of Public Education, everyone is too much of a coward to fight on their own anymore. LOL
I always got called Wonder Bread by ghetto black peeps.

My friend Karl has been in the same boat all his life, some people refer to him as either half breed or "Mocha Swirls". That's why these same people are missing a few teeth. LOL.


You are such a Racist, every white cop in America is going to shoot twice as many people of color now just to keep up! Tongue
What's Eating Gilbert Grape was a 1993 film starring Johnny Depp and a young Leonardo DiCaprio (Pre Slut days) among others.

BTW anyone catch my 90's movie reference!?
Posted by Jc_Targaryen
Posted by AnomalousBull
Posted by Blingring
all da men wan sum of dis i bet u da wud even fuck me dun b jeal


I think we've established what was eating Gilbert Grape, no doubt he stuck his dick in this chick and half of it didn't come back. LOL!

Go the fuck home already we don't "wan" any.

I don't get why you're even wasting your time debating with this moron
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I stopped responding to it awhile ago, now I'm just poking fun at it. lol

Posted by Blingring
all da men wan sum of dis i bet u da wud even fuck me dun b jeal


I think we've established what was eating Gilbert Grape, no doubt he stuck his dick in this chick and half of it didn't come back. LOL!

Go the fuck home already we don't "wan" any.

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