Posted by ellessque
some self-proclaimed nice guys aren't nice guys at all.
Posted by narbilPosted by Hails26
Update; So I hit all issues on the head and now he wants to move out and leave, claiming he's damaged, that I'll never accept his children (I will if they weren't so emotionally manpulative) and that it's best we go out separate ways.
So he wants to run because I know the truth? or he got caught out. He plays the victim card really well actually.
So is it too brazen of me to ask for him to pay half of this months rent as he has been living there and half of the utility bill as again he has been living there?
I don't want him to leave, but his bullbutter is utter bullbutter, do I let him go or stroke his ego and tell him I really want him to stay so we can work it all out
Is he really the victim if you've mentioned to him this disdain you have for his children?
No wonder he kept a lid on it.
Choose whatever path you desire. No one here will have a better answer than you to expand
Posted by Shescomeundone
I am a libra woman, in love with a Virgo man.. Looking for I sights... It seems all the threads here are about Libra men... Lets here from Libra woman! Who do you find yourself attracted to and why? Are you jealous like me? Possessive? Airhead? I wanna know I'm not alone!!!
Posted by rockyroadicecreamPosted by ANRivas
Given you're a Libra female, your input and commentary on the subject of the males is invalid. The men and women are like night and day and some of you ladies do nothing but perpetuate dating myths and it's getting really old. I may be mean and bitchy, but at least I'm looking out for their overall well being and not being a shit stirrer.
Your silly ass may not like what I have to say, but I'll be the last one to feed anyone ANY sort of delusion when it comes to the behavior of males and the extremes that it can go to when it comes to dating and relating. This chick is already showing typical signs of a female falling into the usual bullshit. So far, she's yet to give examples of ACTIONS that show he's truly interested, which is what her primary concern is. She loves the attention and is now allowing herself to fall for a guy who doesn't seem to be genuinely interested.
Now shoo. The adults are talking. Your little, immature digs are getting to be old to expand
Posted by tiziani
I wouldn't say Caps are boring but certainly a lot of them have the kind of outward demeanour that makes me think they'd rather be elsewhere. First impressions can be deceptive, however. Caps and Libras operate on the same vibe under the surface on some things. If we went all on appearance (which Libras are known to do) there's a lot of room for misunderstanding.
Posted by maz777Posted by rockyroadicecreamPosted by CQ19
and if not how could a relationship between a cap and libra work out?
no negative caps and libras don't match just postive feedbacks please
The fuck?
"I want to hear what I want to hear!"
Seriously, do you really want advice or just lala land words that'll make your lady bits tingle because you can't stand the idea that this guy is a tease and isn't into you. :/
That aside, Libras are cockteases of the zodiac. It's annoying.
And he's single because he wants to be. When they're that charming and remain single, it's because they want to go and play. Either that or it could be a scenario where they're just too caught up in life stresses/job related things that take up a ton of their time and they aren't in the mindset to be in a relationship. the meantime, they play around to get their rocks off.
And if by chance he isn't single and still does this, again, see my point about them being cockteases. It boosts the ego to flirt around. I've known quite a few who do that crap and are in relationships.
Don't fawn over him too much. You're likely one of many.
Did a Libra forget to tickle your clit? Let her have her fun being charmed by a Libra. She could be happy one to expand
Posted by Hails26
So still no confessions about said Bond money for ruined property, found out that the debt has been paid out and that Libra man paid it out without letting me know from his wages.
I ask how the outcome is going with child support only to get that it's in the hands of the welfare payment people and they haven't contacted him, which is contry to what I know, they have contacted him plenty.
This is all getting very twisted and un-comfortable now, we live together and I want to ask him politely to tell me everything or move out, but he'll have no where else to move to now because of his job and I know for a fact that his wages has been going to pay off this debt so his ex and child don't have any black marks against their name to rent in the future.
And to top it all off his older children keep asking for money, not small amounts mind you and he doesn't advise me of this?????
Posted by size zero superheroPosted by tiziani
I can't say I take marriage all that seriously anymore. It's an adventure and there to be enjoyed like anything else, but I'm glad I dodged a couple of bullets when younger.
Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci.
Vincent Cassel & Monica Bellucci are getting divorced, according to recent news(allegedly had an open marriage in the first place).click to expand