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Antero joined December 31, 2016


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@Roosagicorn... that's what I hope that my fiancee will believe me. @Toti.. if all Virgo are like that.. lucky me I'm not virgo😀😀😀 it's a shame.
😂😂😂😂 I deleted my post with mistake.
@Leo188881 yeah.. that's not nice doing that behind his back. I believe in karma. if I asked aqua, I know he don't like it for sure. don't know my head keep wondering why he came up
@Roosagicorn... yeah.. my becoming fiancee asked me to text Virgo that I didn't want to see him anymore and even he spoke to Virgo and to me him never come back. but it's hurt my fiancee. he can't sleep that night and so afraid I will.choose him at the end. and I don't know if he can trust me that I didn't have any contact. it's crazy just show up at my place without calling me first . @Ixion,.yeah it's not complicated but what Virgo did it's hurt my becoming fiancee as he didn't believe what I said that I didn't have any contact
@Roosagicorn... yeah.. my becoming fiancee asked me to text Virgo that I didn't want to see him anymore and even he spoke to Virgo and to me him never come back. but it's hurt my fiancee. he can't sleep that night and so afraid I will.choose him at the end. and I don't know if he can trust me that I didn't have any contact. it's crazy just show up at my place without calling me first . @Ixion,.yeah it's not complicated but what Virgo did it's hurt my becoming fiancee as he didn't believe what I said that I didn't have any contact
it's an awkward situation last Saturday. I'm planning for getting engage with my aqua this Sunday. and last Saturday I was sick and my aqua made food and sleeping at my place. by 19.30 someone knock the door and when I opened it I was shock as my ex Virgo man standing infront of me without calling me first. I had 6 months relationship and he didn't want to continue as he said he was not ready. afterward we didn't have any contact at all for a year or more. I said to Virgo what are u doing here . before he answer me, my aqua came and standing next and I said to Virgo this is my husband. than Virgo said have a nice evening and he walked away. my aqua was angry and put his shoes and running after Virgo. I told to aqua it's not necessary. he was gone with his car. and aqua was angry and he think I 'm having affair. I can understand is he feels like that. I explain to him that i didn't have any contact att all. I'm innocent. I didn't know why he came. aqua asked my kids who is he. my kids can't answer as virgo.never meet my kids and Virgo never came in to my home. I said to aqua.. it's up to him and he wants to believe me or not. I am innocent. I said to aqua everything's is up to him if he wants to believe me or not and if he wants to continue our engagement or not. it won't be good to be engage if he can't trust me. I can't understand my aqua situation. he did the same situation to me once. I don't know what to do. aqua keep asking me my ex Virgo name as he wants to speak. than I search Virgo telephone number on the internet and aqua spoke to him by saying don't you ever came here anymore and Virgo putting down the phone. and than aqua asked me to send text message by saying that I didn't want to see him anymore. I did all what aqua said. I don't know why it's happen. I wanna call Virgo and asked why he searching after me. but I am afraid my aqua will knows abt it. do you think my aqua believe what I said. he said he believe me and will continue our engagement. but I'm thinking abt Virgo and really want to know why he came last Saturday. am I wrong if I called virgo?
I had a very short relationship with Virgo. it's about 6 months and he didn't want to continue the relationship as he was not ready. since that we didn't have contact for a year. I had a relationship with another man and we are planning for getting engage this weekend. last week it was awkward. my becoming fiancee was at my place and suddenly my ex Virgo standing infront of my door and I was shock when I open the door and said to him what are you doing here. and my becoming fiancee came to me and I said to Virgo this is my husband. than he have a nice evening and he walked away. can anyone explain why he comes back without callig me first. and it makes my man angry and he thinks i am having affair.
thaank you @saweetz1988. i will update my story with an aquarius man here how is it at the end.
@pinkbird03 thank u. something bad happen to me. after he dumped me we dont have anu contact. and something bad happen to me. i was raped and abused by a few men on my way home and I was bleeding when I'm home. my daughter worried and text him and he text me and asked what is wrong. I said I am ok and he didn't believe me and he keep calling me like crazy and visited me at my place but I didn't open the door and told him to to stay away. he didn't give up and keep offering help and wanna be with me to help me. i told.him what happened and than he report my case to the police. he is with me all the time and help me to recover and find the best psykolog in town and he pay for that untill I am tottaly fine. I was confuse when he did that to me. and I asked why he cares so much and I am not his girlfriend. he said he will always be there for me what ever it is. and one night he wants to meet me and we met in town and he told me he wants to take me back and he will never let me down and he realize that he really loves me not because what was happen to me. everything was change after that. he as well during a year we didn't talk so much about our relationship and after what happen to me he realize that I am a women that he can talk with as he can talk about anything. not like before and he realize it was his fault not me. he didn't believe that we can communicate and the conversation was so much better that before. and we are happy together now. follow your heart @pinkbird03 you know him better.
@pinkbird03 its remain me my relationship with an Aquarius man. we are in the same town and it takes only 30 minutes between us and we metonly once in a month and he said busy at work, parents which is old, his son travelling with work ECT ECT and we just text not calling. it's a year I had this kind of relationship and 3 times he dumped me and take me back. after tge thurd times he dumped me we had no contact at all. and one night we met and he told me that he wants to take me back and he realize how much he really cares about me and will make things better and when I asked him why his behaviour was so cold towards me for a year and he said he likes me very much and he loves me but his love to me is not in the same page as my love to him. but now he realize and feel that we are in the same page. I asked him to prove it as I need action not words. than he took me to his parent and introduce me to his son and his step daughter and we sleep together everyday, either he sleep at my place or I sleep at his place. as he said I have his heart and he will do anything I said and he did that. and now we are planning to be engage. it was so painful and hopeless to deal with Aquarius man. lots of friend which is majority is women. his Facebook mostly women. I was so jealous and decided to close my Facebook as it's hurt me to see and he make a comment to other. but now not anymore. he is tottaly mine. need to be more patient to deal with an Aquarius man. let it flow once you get his heart you can turn him to be your little puppy and he will be with you all the time. that's happen to me with my Aquarius. and now we are searching for out engagement ring😊
that's what I do @LadyNeptune
and now he get angry so easy when he text me and i didnt text him back right away. @aquarius_man i told him to calm down why get angry for small thing. i cant answer as i am busy. he is not like this before. and before when i didnt answer his text he text me and said he really love me. now... that word i never hear . and he dont call me honey as he did before.

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I had a very short relationship with Virgo. it's about 6 months and he didn't want to continue the relationship as he was not ready. since that we didn't have contact for a year. I had a relationship with another man and we are planning for getting engage
Joined: Dec 31, 2016 · Topics: 22 · Posts: 210
it's an awkward situation last Saturday. I'm planning for getting engage with my aqua this Sunday. and last Saturday I was sick and my aqua made food and sleeping at my place. by 19.30 someone knock the door and when I opened it I was shock as my ex Virgo
Joined: Dec 31, 2016 · Topics: 22 · Posts: 210
i wrote about my story with my aqua here before. he dumped me without a good reason and wanna be my friend but i dont want it. 2 weeks i have no contact with him. and my daughter sent text message to him by telling him that mom was fighting as I came home
Joined: Dec 31, 2016 · Topics: 22 · Posts: 210
after he dumped med without a good reason by telling me that i'm to beautiful, and to kind. it's wrong with him. that's what he said and can't give me the detail what is wrong. than we are going back together again after that . 2 weeks we have been togeth
Joined: Dec 31, 2016 · Topics: 22 · Posts: 210
does anyone can tell me how does it work to get back into a relationship again after break up with aqua man? they have the same feeling as before?.. my aqua told me he is not good enough for me and he can't give me as much time as I need him. thats wh
Joined: Dec 31, 2016 · Topics: 22 · Posts: 210
how do you know when a libra man interested with you. i know him for 3 years. he is libra and i am Gemini. he is so kind and help me so much when i nees help. he keep telling me when he is working outside the city or outside the country and text me when h
Joined: Dec 31, 2016 · Topics: 22 · Posts: 210
i am gemini and he is aquarius. he dumped me and said i am to good for him and its wrong with him. ussually i am so easy yo move on. but i dont know why not this time. why he keep texting me when i didnt text him and he keep answer my text. i dont underst
Joined: Dec 31, 2016 · Topics: 22 · Posts: 210
i have a relationship with an aquarius for 14 months. he met my kids twice and i never met his as he told me what happen before. he didnt have contact with his first son since he was 7 years as his son said to him he didnt want to come to his place anymor
Joined: Dec 31, 2016 · Topics: 22 · Posts: 210
i wrote about my story here before regarding my relationship with an Aquarius man. I was on a weekend holiday with my kids and friends. we texting each other and he told me he is drinking wine . at the end we fight on the text message and I bought a new t
Joined: Dec 31, 2016 · Topics: 22 · Posts: 210
i wrote here before and asked some advice when my aqua said I am to intense. I didn't text him but he is the one who text me and send some kiss as he told me after our last meeting that he need to see me before he is going on holiday. but he never mentio
Joined: Dec 31, 2016 · Topics: 22 · Posts: 210
I hope you guys here will give me some advice. I really confuse and don't know what to do. when an aqua man say you are to intensive, what shall I do?.. shall I ignore him?...and no contact for a while?
Joined: Dec 31, 2016 · Topics: 22 · Posts: 210
I had a commited relationship with an aqua for almost 9 month. we didnt meet very often as we are busy with work and taking care our own kids. a few days ago I told.him why he never make any plan to meet me?.. its always me whi asking if we supposed to me
Joined: Dec 31, 2016 · Topics: 22 · Posts: 210

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