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Aqua_Boy joined August 21, 2007
36 years old male



just dissapear out of nowhere if you have problems going on? I swear it seems like when Leo's have problems happening with themselves they dissapear off the face of the earth for months LOL.
I've noticed with Leo's ( i know), is that when he tells stories...they dont lie, BUT they make it out to be the most dramatic thing in the world lol...i like it actually. Maybe they just want you to be "touched" or something.
Im sure they fabricate it once in awhile too, but i think alot of people do that Tongue not a girl, BUT i have been with guys before...and i love it. If that counts? I also like girls too though.LOL. Im just a very sexual person Tongue
Awww...I feel about my comment towards Virgos now Sad I love you guys smile *hugs*
But anyway since im Pisces and i hung out with my sister today who is Virgo, and we were talking and we dont like ANYTHING that eachother likes LMAO! I guess thats typical since Pisces & Virgo are complete opposites. She was so annoyed with me cause i didnt like anything she likes hahaha, my brother is the same way...hes Virgo too, like i said before smile
Hi garfield!!! i dont think you've met me yet smile
"It's not that complicated at all. Much time is wasted in NO and Maybe answer. What Leo wants Leo gets." then i guess i should consider myself taken LOL!!!!!!! Tongue
What do you think? I hear alot of people say that us Pisces are the most confusing out of everyone...i can kinda see how thats true LOL.
AHH! I just noticed my sag friend walks weird to!! Im so glad i brought this topic up lol.
What do Libra's act like though? The Libra i know is a very fast walker..maybe thats a Libra thing? I dont know lol.
Is it their life goal to go out and annoy every living thing possible?!?!?! If any Virgo's read this, dont take it personally, its just many Virgo's i know, get under my skin and irritate me to no end.
Or..maybe its just cause both my brother and sister are Virgo's, and everyone is annoyed by their siblings Tongue Im in such a chatty mood today LOL.
LOL missmorals. No, i think with Scorpio's its all in the eyes. Their eyes are very eagle-like...well to me they are anyway.
THANK YOU Starfish225 LOL. The two Leo's i know ESPECIALLY remind me of lions. The girl i know always does something with her hair that kind of looks like a lions mane in some way, and with the guy i know...well..i dont know what it is, but he seems very lion-like...maybe its the hair on him too! lol.
I knew i was a nutcase Sad...i swear though! you can see it in some people! LOL.

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What do you think? I hear alot of people say that us Pisces are the most confusing out of everyone...i can kinda see how
Joined: Aug 21, 2007 · Topics: 21 · Posts: 87
Just wondering....supposedly my Leo friend is interested in me. Do they sometimes stop tallking to you, just to see
Joined: Aug 21, 2007 · Topics: 21 · Posts: 87
I had a dream like that before. I was shot in the leg, but since it was a dream i didnt feel it, it was weird lol.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007 · Topics: 21 · Posts: 87
just dissapear out of nowhere if you have problems going on? I swear it seems like when Leo's have problems happening wi
Joined: Aug 21, 2007 · Topics: 21 · Posts: 87
Is it their life goal to go out and annoy every living thing possible?!?!?! If any Virgo's read this, dont take it perso
Joined: Aug 21, 2007 · Topics: 21 · Posts: 87
resemble the horoscope animal they are. Like...some Scorpio's kinda resemble a scorpion or an eagle in some way....some
Joined: Aug 21, 2007 · Topics: 21 · Posts: 87
Okay so i went on and they had this thing where you type your name in, your birthdate and the city you
Joined: Aug 21, 2007 · Topics: 21 · Posts: 87
Do us Pisces have every other sign in us? If so...then i love being a Pisces! PS. How do you change your username? Im
Joined: Aug 21, 2007 · Topics: 21 · Posts: 87
base our relationships etc, on horoscopes? I was just thinking about that. Like, should everyone NOT be friends/in love
Joined: Aug 21, 2007 · Topics: 21 · Posts: 87
Do they isolate themselves? Cause i have a Leo friend who recently lost his job, and i know hes pretty upset, and hes pr
Joined: Aug 21, 2007 · Topics: 21 · Posts: 87
Okay so, if anyone remembers...i posted a topic awhile back about how i was having issues with a Scorpio i once had a re
Joined: Aug 21, 2007 · Topics: 21 · Posts: 87
Nobody listens to you, and thinks your wrong all the time, when you know your right? And then when you say I told you s
Joined: Aug 21, 2007 · Topics: 21 · Posts: 87

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