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Aquagirl2015 joined December 28, 2015
Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon, Venus Sagittarius, Leo-5th House, Taurus Rising


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Ok I actually screwed up. He's a Sagittarius lol! I thought he said DEC 30th, but it's NOV 30th. Wrong forum sorry but thank you so much @missladyicequeen and @mooneyes88 for taking the time to respond!
My mom is a Capricorn married to my dad a Libra for over 30 years. I think they have to find someone who is willing to let their true kindness shine. smile

Posted by lnana04
Tamar Braxton(Pisces)

Beyonce (Virgo)

Tamar just released a song about her parents divorce that happened years ago. Her mom is a Cap and father is a Cancer. Both of Beyonce parents are Caps, and she released a song dedicated to her mom's marriage as well.

Anyway, both songs have me a bit teary eyed. Caps carry a lot of energy, so if you are bitter as a mother from a divorce or love lost, it goes to your child...even if you try to hide it. Tamars mom has five girls and ALL of them are/were in bad marriages. Beyonce is her mother, dealing with a cheating man.

My Cappie grandmother had two failed marriages and never dated a man since, and I wouldn't say any of her daughter's have healthy marriages either.

I don't know, it's just something I'm thinking about. I think about a lot of things when it comes to raising children. I'd hate to have a daughter whose relationship would turn out to be a mirror of mine, if mine was unhealthy.
Hi Everyone! This is my first time (and we're in the very beginning stages, only the 3rd date) with a Capricorn male. Just was curious if anyone had an advice with dealing/understanding them.

I'm an Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon, Taurus Rising, Leo 5th house.

I haven't asked him for all of his natal stuff yet as I think it's too soon but I do know he's a Capricorn.

Posted by HighTide
Excellent attraction from the Cancer man standpoint.

strong points

-Most of the women are strangely tomboyish in friendship/mind but feminine everywhere else/where it counts. Can make a Cancer man very comfortable off the bat.

-They enjoy Cancer humor but gets turned off when it gets too dark or emotional. They don't like overly negative topics unless it was their idea to bring it up. They are funnier than us when u get them going.

-Can be genuinely attractive and have everyone wanting them daily yet can still feel 100 percent comfortable being a lone wolf. That itself is attractive.

-They look at money in a very unique way. Some are very good at making it, the ones that can't are able to still get it through their unique charm. They can get you to open up the wallet but u will have fun doing it.

-The lovemaking is very unique and satisfying.

-If you support their ideas they reward you with even better feedback than you gave them.

-if your kinda weird they like that, not creepy though. You might see an out of shape guy with a super cute Aquarius girl because of his uniqueness alone.They will love him like he is the only man that matters.

negative points

-They seem to be more attracted to Sag and Cap placements who can give them more of the evolved friendship they want day in and out. Cancer's usually want a further level and unless their moon is water it can go south. A Libra moon can be sympathic as well but only so much.

-They can cut you to the bone verbally if you piss them off. They are humanitarians but they don't hesitate to bring out the coldness when they think you are out of line.

-They can go through many divorces if they have to. At the end of the day they aren't sacrificing their individuality for anyone. They truly can move on if they have to.
As I've gotten older, I care more about the quality and connection versus the quantity but my sex drive has stayed the same as when I was younger.

This is all good to hear. Quite frankly, I really didn't want to talk to hi again so I'm glad I don't have to.

Thanks all who responded!
I have a quick question for those with more veteran experience.

Here's my chart

Aquarius Sun

Aries Moon

Aries Mars

5th House Leo

Venus Sagittarius

Do you have any recommendations for who I would be a good fit for dating wise? I seem to get good sun or moon matches but the venus, mars and 5th house I struggle connecting with. I am attracted to earth signs but I'm not sure they're the right match for me or if I need someone with a lot of fire in their chart? I know I don't do well with venus in gemini at all.
@AgentP911- That's exactly what I was thinking! I didn't think I needed to tell because I wasn't using his name so what difference did it make.

@Libramiss- If he read it yes.
noooo to taurus aquarius, especially when the taurus is male. Tried it 6 different times. Just no! lol
*Virtual hug*
Hi everyone

Posting in this forum since the person I'm referring to is a Taurus. Long story short a taurus and I met and we ended up parting ways before we moved forward to a date. I submitted an article about my experience, thoughts and feelings about the situation and one of the major magazines out there wants to publish it. I won't be using his name of course, but I'm wondering do I need to tell him? I don't really feel an obligation because it is he who "dumped" me and because we didn't end on the best of terms. But just checking to see what others think.

Thanks in advance for the thoughts!
Moon in Aries- Describes me to the "T" (unfortunately)

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So, just curious if I'm the only one or could it be because of all the fire in my chart... Do any of you guys have terrible tempers? Like quick to anger, quick to over but the damage you do when you're mad is legendary? I hate that aspect of myself!
Joined: Dec 28, 2015 · Topics: 9 · Posts: 219
Hi everyone Posting in this forum since the person I'm referring to is a Taurus. Long story short a taurus and I met and we ended up parting ways before we moved forward to a date. I submitted an article about my experience, thoughts and feelings about
Joined: Dec 28, 2015 · Topics: 9 · Posts: 219
Relationships & Astrology
I have a quick question for those with more veteran experience. Here's my chart Aquarius Sun Aries Moon Aries Mars 5th House Leo Venus Sagittarius Do you have any recommendations for who I would be a good fit for dating wise? I seem to get goo
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Hey everyone, Was just curious to know what some other signs thought their personal biggest insecurity was. Just wanted to say that this should be a NO JUDGING ZONE. Aqua sun- mine is feeling like I'm not good enough
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Libra and Aquarius Compatibility
Before I go further into the libra scenario, I wanted to give some background on myself. Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon, Venus Sagittarius, Cancer -5th House, Ascendant- Aries Ascendant-Aries House II- Taurus House III-Gemini House IV- Cancer House V
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Last topic for today lol. I have to ask...could people list their sun and moon signs and a quote that sums out their outlook on life? My quote: The end justifies the means- Machievelli (Aqua Sun, Aries Moon)
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Gemini Moon
Can anyone personally explain to me how they work? The post that was in that section was helpful but looking for some more insight.
Joined: Dec 28, 2015 · Topics: 9 · Posts: 219
*Disclaimer- I did post this in the houses section as well. I've just discovered this site but finally got off my lazy butt and started posting so I apologize if I'm overstepping the rules here.* Hi all, Quick question- the majority of my signs are
Joined: Dec 28, 2015 · Topics: 9 · Posts: 219
Chart Interpretation
Hi all, Quick question- the majority of my signs are in the houses that are ruled by them. Showing my chart below (sorry in advance if using the incorrect language as I'm a newbie to focusing on my entire chart). Is this normal, bad, good etc?
Joined: Dec 28, 2015 · Topics: 9 · Posts: 219

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