aquarian athletes are usually insecured, but once they build confidence they can be the biggest stars out there
im an aqua and if im not calling the girl is because i dont miss her, and dont worry, he will call if he misses you. keep calling until you get the sign that he's not interested. You were the last person to call? he knows is his turn, he is not playin hard to get. The only reason he is not is because he is not really into you. If you really like him, tell him straight up, but dont ask him how he feels. he probably wont tell you the truth not to hurt you.
ps. we get attached really easy. if he liked your company he will make the first move to hang out.
all you taurus gils out there, can you please tell me how to win the heart of this girl? it is so hard to get what she is feeling inside, we hang out sometimes and i feel like we were made for eachother, but when we're not together she acts like she forgets about me. she wont ever call me or text. im always making the first move to talk to her, but i dont want to anymore cause im afraid she might think im annoying. what should i do?
capital, im feeling the same way that you are feeling
i met this taurus girl, at times she acts like she's really into me but at times she acts like she doesn;t care... i think about her everytime i wake up, and cant stop thinking about her throughout the day. im 18 and this is the first time i feel towards a girl this way. im afraid to chase her because i dont want her to think that im annoying. What should i do, i really like her and i dont want to lose her