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Oct 20, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 149 · Topics: 27
Sun- Pieces House 11
Moon- Libra H 6
Mercury-Pisces H12
Venus-Pisces H12
Mars- Sagg H8
Jupiter-Pisces H11
Saturn- Sagg H8
Uranus-Sagg H9
Neptune-Cappy H9
Pluto-Scorpio H7
Sun Aquarius
Moon Gemini
Mercury Capricorn
Venus Capricorn
Mars Gemini
Jupiter Aries
Saturn Cancer
Uranus Scorpio
Neptune Sagittarius
Pluto Libra
We started "dating" back in February. It's been the rockiest road ever. I know this doesnt make sense, but the only way we can get along is if we say nothing at all. The physical communication is awesome, but the verbal communication is a WW3 everytime we attempt it. I just dont understand.
He says I'm selfish and wishy-washy?? He says I have to call all the shots in life and try to be the boss to everything.
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Oct 20, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 149 · Topics: 27
When I 1st met Anthony, I was trying to get to know him & it's only been since February. It's so difficult to get to know someone based on the things they say/do, but yet they seem to have a complete opposite core about them. I've never met anyone like him. Ever. I thought it was fun to read up on a Pisces guy since I was with a Libra for so long and it's been nice to have someone finally so strong and passionate in my life, but with the exterior and surviving such a hard life, how am I not supposed to see him as a bad guy? Instead of feeling as though I was the Angel to his Devil, I was the Devil to HIS Angel? Or.... is this a fight he goes through within himself?
Here is his lineup
Sun- Pieces House 11
Moon- Libra H 6
Mercury-Pisces H12
Venus-Pisces H12
Mars- Sagg H8
Jupiter-Pisces H11
Saturn- Sagg H8
Uranus-Sagg H9
Neptune-Cappy H9
Pluto-Scorpio H7
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Oct 20, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 149 · Topics: 27
Who's the cat and Who's the mouse?
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Oct 20, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 149 · Topics: 27
Thanks for all the responses. I'd like to add that it makes him even more angry when I just smile and laugh while he's blowing up, but he doesnt understand how much I feed off of his passion while he's doing it.
If you guys dont mind... here is his readout. Can anyone help me?
planet sign degree motion
Sun Pisces 7??41'51 end of house 11 direct
Moon Libra 3??08'49 in house 6 direct
Mercury Pisces 25??34'12 in house 12 direct
Venus Pisces 16??51'09 in house 12 direct
Mars Sagittarius 14??05'06 in house 8 direct
Jupiter Pisces 1??25'26 in house 11 direct
Saturn Sagittarius 9??20'25 in house 8 direct
Uranus Sagittarius 22??00'21 in house 9 direct
Neptune Capricorn 5??22'20 in house 9 direct
Pluto Scorpio 7??16'11 in house 7 retrograde
True Node Taurus 1??09'38 in house 1 retrograde
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Oct 20, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 149 · Topics: 27
He swears he's not mad and that is just how he communicates? I'm an aquarius female. This is a NEW relationship. I'm trying to understand the difference between the Pisces mentality he was born with and the part of his personality that he adopted through his life's circumstances. He's lived a tough one.
Some traits I've noticed. He can yell at the top of his lungs and then completely contradict what he says in a sweet soft voice the next day. Maybe my emotions are much more free-spirited. It seems simple to me- I listen to his words and then draw conclusions based on what he tells me but he says I only listen to what I want to and I add things he never meant???
MAN!! He blows up at me and all I feel is that he wants me to go away or something then he really gets mad because I get mad and start to back away from him emotionally and mentally. I thought I gave him what he wanted!!! What the hell guys???
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Oct 20, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 149 · Topics: 27
Sorry to be hateful 4thwall. Was just keeping my end of the defense
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Oct 20, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 149 · Topics: 27
And I agree, to an extent, he is trying to use me as a booty call for the distinguished gentleman. But he includes me in everything else in his life. He wraps me around his schedule.
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Oct 20, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 149 · Topics: 27
PAngel- you're a jealous bitter old hag. Shut your wrinkles up.
4thwallbreaker & Winterborn: PM eachother and stop hijacking a thread that beat your IQ with the 1st sentence. You're not groggy and needing coffee.
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Oct 20, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 149 · Topics: 27
Oh. my. WORD. Just a bit speechless, but I'll try to 'splain ...
He's married, has 2 daughters. Feels he and wife have "grown apart", but I'm the type of woman that will want you to work things out with her instead of turning me into a mistress. He says he doesnt want me to be of a lesser grade than a top priority woman, but he is STRUGGLING with this inner power. It's tearing him apart!! I've been shocked at how passionate this man is.
You should have seen his reaction when I interrupted him this morning and said "Hey, let ME define what is shitty for MYSELF." He says I drive him crazy and the more I explain things, the closer it draws him to me. His reaction was as if he just abandoned his whole entire life and all he saw was me. That is the best I can explain. He was shocked just because I spoke for myself. Well, I ALWAYS speak for myself. Big deal!
The thing is he gets this driven when I'm just in conversation about something or with someone. The more realistic I am about his surroundings, the more he says he is falling in love with me. By "more realistic", I mean keeping a down to earth look at what is really going on, Being open to what is best for eachother as opposed to selfishly wanting him and everything that comes with him 24/7, realizing the KIDS are in the picture and very important, etc.
He calls me 5 times a day. He is saying some pretty strong stuff and its only been 2 weeks! He always wants to know where I am, like just because. But yet he has a wife that he could possibly work things out with?
What is this guy doing???? I feel trapped but he says I'm free to go. As soon as I start to go, he's back on the scene with calls and unannounced visits like he never said that. He says he's hooked on me.
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Oct 20, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 149 · Topics: 27
BBastard: I find your icon highly offensive.
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Oct 20, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 149 · Topics: 27
And the outburst would come later, like when the monkey feend oversteps his boundaries that he is coming very close to.
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Oct 20, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 149 · Topics: 27
It's a struggle to handle it ourselves.
Ok, let me ask you this instead... in the eyes of a cappy male- what exactly considered an outburst?
Yo lady- "Ummm.... I'm about to tell that monkey feend to step the &^% $ off my coat-tails"