AriesAscendingLeo joined June 01, 201329 years old female
"Sun: Aries Moon: Sagittarius Rising: Leo Wow... That's an awful lot of fire! MC: Taurus Mercury: Taurus Venus: Pisces Mars: Leo Jupiter: Sagittarius Saturn: Pisces Uranus: Aquarius Neptune: Capricorn Plu
"Sun: Aries Moon: Sagittarius Rising: Leo Wow... That's an awful lot of fire! MC: Taurus Mercury: Taurus Venus: Pisces Mars: Leo Jupiter: Sagittarius Saturn: Pisces Uranus: Aquarius Neptune: Capricorn Pluto: Sagittarius Kickboxer; Cat lover; and avid pattymelt connoissuer. Always looking for something new to learn about and the next opportunity to travel. I appreciate the darker side of things and I spend a great deal of time indulging in the finer nuances of evil that reside within myself. It is my goal to learn and grow as much as I can by recognizing, testing and setting those boundaries for myself. ""I'm aware that on my good days, I'm simply a new kind of wreck."" ""I believe in karma, but only because I am the karma."" ""Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else."" ~Judy Garland"