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AriesCScheer1980 joined December 15, 2017


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I love the hoe comments about me tree-trunking some Scorpio. I never had anyone say I sexted them or alleged that before. But, he has met my husband before and he was never inappropriate or never did anything, neither did I. Our texting was about a student I use to work with in his class. Alot of assistants never stayed and there was a high turn-over rate in that classroom. But, I know alot may assume things about cheating and what not..I understand, I may have too if soemone else posted it. I resigned from the postion after the end of the school year, I homeschool my son this year, I hadn't since text or spoke to him after I resigned early this year in March. My husband knew of the allegation and I showed him the thread, he felt there was nothing inappropriate other than maybe me asking his birthday. But, Iask everyone that, I like astrology and learning zodiac signs and their tendencies and temperments. It was the most peculiar experience I had with Scorpio. One minute, he was all chatty amd then the next, Icould feel the coldness of his energy. My former boss who was a female, use to fix me all the time. If there was one hair out of place, she would fix it, she had a habit of touching my arm when she would compliment me. Since she sold our shop, I heard she's in a relationship with another girl.. SHe use to ask me if I was into bi-sexuality? I couldn't believe how she would just come right out with it? I finally told her, I am married and into men, but later found out she did the same thing to another employee and she told her she wasn't interested either.

I think the problem was I did my job well and I really cared about the student, Imay have come off as controlling his classroom, but then again, there wer alot of things that seemed off about our dynamic. I can honestly say though, he was a little immature for his age. He would wear shirts that my 7 year old would wear. And he had no sense of humor, he kind of annoyed me alot of times. He even said once when he asked me to read over a curriculum sheet while I was tring to give the student lunch, he had to leave because he sensed I was annoyed with him. He would tell me how to do something that was fairly simple and then confuse me by overteaching and over explaining it. That's why I couldn't figure out why he was staring..he trreated me like shit!! But, I never showed him any emotion..I can be very strong in no emotion on my face. Thanks guys
I love the hoe comments about me tree-trunking some Scorpio. I never had anyone say I sexted them or alleged that before. But, he has met my husband before and he was never inappropriate or never did anything, neither did I. Our texting was about a student I use to work with in his class. Alot of assistants never stayed and there was a high turn-over rate in that classroom. But, I know alot may assume things about cheating and what not..I understand, I may have too if soemone else posted it. I resigned from the postion after the end of the school year, I homeschool my son this year, I hadn't since text or spoke to him after I resigned early this year in March. My husband knew of the allegation and I showed him the thread, he felt there was nothing inappropriate other than maybe me asking his birthday. But, Iask everyone that, I like astrology and learning zodiac signs and their tendencies and temperments. It was the most peculiar experience I had with Scorpio. One minute, he was all chatty amd then the next, Icould feel the coldness of his energy. My former boss who was a female, use to fix me all the time. If there was one hair out of place, she would fix it, she had a habit of touching my arm when she would compliment me. Since she sold our shop, I heard she's in a relationship with another girl.. SHe use to ask me if I was into bi-sexuality? I couldn't believe how she would just come right out with it? I finally told her, I am married and into men, but later found out she did the same thing to another employee and she told her she wasn't interested either.

I think the problem was I did my job well and I really cared about the student, Imay have come off as controlling his classroom, but then again, there wer alot of things that seemed off about our dynamic. I can honestly say though, he was a little immature for his age. He would wear shirts that my 7 year old would wear. And he had no sense of humor, he kind of annoyed me alot of times. He even said once when he asked me to read over a curriculum sheet while I was tring to give the student lunch, he had to leave because he sensed I was annoyed with him. He would tell me how to do something that was fairly simple and then confuse me by overteaching and over explaining it. That's why I couldn't figure out why he was staring..he trreated me like shit!! But, I never showed him any emotion..I can be very strong in no emotion on my face. Thanks guys
Ok, this is to EagleScorp. I am an Aries woman who can give you some insight. I don't know how young she is or you are but, it seems like you don't even have time to go to the bathroom, let alone pursue this ball of fire we know as Aries. Young Aries women, are independent and need alot of space. They are very driven in their own achievements and are highly skeptical when a guy says things like I am not here to take your independence. You let her know you were in the building phase of your life, with career moves and establishing yourself. Aries have to be number one or none at all in their relationships. If you are the jealous type or insecure about the fact that she may not get back to you as quickly or at all as you would like, stop right now, because Aries women do not like guys who are smothery or too emotional. Also, it is good you tell her you have goals, but she may take it as you bragging or that your a big deal. You may be, but it could come off as arrogant or superficial like your of great value and she needs to give you that validation. I would hang back a bit if I were you, not repond and if some time passes, write her something, how you feel. Iknow I love to know when a former lover has told me what Ido for them emotionally, physically, it's empowering and it gives validation to ur importance. Trust me, I love deeply, passionately, Aries women are alot like Scorpio's..but, you have to fight for us if she is worthy of your affections. you seem like a sincere man, stay true to that and don't lose your bearing. An Aries woman NEEDS her man to be as strong as a titanium wall in any given situation. She will be studying your face and your body language. You have to be the Don Draper of her world. Strong, ballsy, a risk-taker, adventureous and please, don't ever get predictable. We lose interest..
First and Foremost, Scorpio's are not the strongest signs out there. There have been alot of blogs, articles, books that say that Scorpio's are the best this, and that and etc...But in reality, I have competed in sports against them or with them in team events on same teams or opposing teams and, they are not very good athletes, not great runners when it comes to longevity. Everytime I have been in a sporting event with my former boss who is a scorpio, she has no where-with-all, and usually would run out of steam long before we crossed any finish lines. Her, a former co-worker male who was a Scorpio sun and moon, and my step-son who has Scorpio sun and moon as well, seemed checked out when it comes to their jobs, businesses or professions. They tend to piggy-back off the self-willed, hardworking people to carry them through. My step-son, my former boss and former co-worker all had a hard time with grammar, spelling, including reading and comprehension. All 3 of them have confirmed ADD/ADHD, but Ibelieve it has alot to do with trying to take on more than they can handle, and they all seemed to abandon their missions before they were completed. Scorpio's are said to be the "best lovers," I dont know necessarily but, from what I was told by a customer who had been with my former boss, he alleged she was a "dead fish." The one thing all 3 of them could not hseem to handle well, was being ignored. Imade it a point with my former boss and former co-worker, to purposely not look at them and Iacted as if they didn't exist, it seemed to really upset them, as they want to be recognized. My former boss told me after doing this for about a week or so, when you come in, you don't even look at me, like I am not even there, she was visibly hurt. My former co-worker, I did the same thing, he would purposely try and get me alone and try and re-teach me my job, I wouldn't look at him, and you can tell, he didn't like it. In my experience, the most powerful sign is the male Capricorn. My father was an island all on his own. He had no emotions, I never saw him cry, even after my mother died. He could do anything and very well. He was extremely good at sports and shooting. The only guy I know who shoots any weapon without flinching and hits the target every time. His wwork ethic is unbelievable and he would cut anyone off including us kids, if he felt you weren't worthy. I know alot of Capricorns, even females, they are so ambitious, super logical, get along very well with everyone and will tactfully tell you where to go and how to get there without you getting offended. Another thing Inoticed about all Scorpio's too is, they are huge liars. If they get caught in a lie, they tend to turn and run, and also, my former boss was a big stalker of her ex boyfriends or sex buddies on Facebook. She use to call me to her desk just to ask me what I thought about this girl her ex was seeing, if I thought they were prettier than her and she would get really stressed about it too. If you can look at them dead in the eye too, without looking away, all 3 of my experiences with Scorpio people, they will look away first. I find a good technique I use when Ihave stared at allow yourself to be a vessel, like a fixture or a window or wall.. don't think of anything or tense up, but with a blank face, you stare into their pupils, they get nervous about that and look away. I am an Aries sun with a Taurus ascendent and a Capricorn moon, so I had to learn how to repress emotions when I was growing up, my mother died when I was young and my dad told us to keep moving on. I can sense energies and people's emotions, so, I have learned to wear a mask of armor. I know how Scorpio's feel when they are sad, or upset or mad, you can tell by their face and their body language. Also too Inoticed alot of times, they go through bouts of secret, closet addictions. They logicize them when you find them out too. But, they get defensive when you lead them to the realization that their addicts. My boss had a hard time quitting smoking. She would tell me she quit, even though I never asked, nor did I care if she did either and Iwould catch her outside with other co-workers or customers and she would say she just started again, is still weening herself off or the whole Native Spirits are much healthier with no additives. I don't know about ym face but, I guess when Iwould stare at her a little too long when Iwould catch her, she started to get defensive, she got real awkward, I would just walk back inside. This is just my experience but, they seem to get too much credit for things. Honestly though, Ihave yet to meet a Scorpio that has transcended past the more darker sides Scorpio's.
I use to work with a Scorpio male at my last job. He seemed to take to me quickly, but I was more focused on my job duties, since it was all new to me and did not pay too much attention. I am married and he is in a serious relationship even then when we worked together. I had given him my number in case something on the schedule changed and he could get a hold of me. We started to converse via text about work, and then the topic came up about birthdays. He told me he was a Scorpio, but not his birthdate at first. I refused to tell him my birthday, and he seemed to be fine because he said maybe one day I will earn your trust. Time went on, and it seemed like he had hot and cold spells from day to day, I picked up on this pattern of behavior. One day, I caught him staring at me, he looked away and then back at me, and then smiled, I looked away and kept working. I must have said something through text message, because he went to work and alleged I was sexting him to our boss. Luckily, a co-worker who I got along with grabbed his phone read through the entire thread and showed our boss it had nothing to do with him, it had to do with getting respect and correspondence for my job. Luckily, the boss saw through to the truth and just told me stop texting him, so I did. He acted like nothing happened, Inever brought it up. Not too long after that, I couldn't take how he started treating me, which I could feel this icy cold feeling when I would work with him, so I asked to be transferred to a different section. I acted like he didn't exist and did my work. I ran into him alot because we worked at an elementary school and we would be in the lunchroom with the students at the same time, some days. I wouldn't look at him, I wouldn't acknowledge him, and it seemed like it bothered him after awhile. I even wrote him a thank you card after I left my position for giving me an opportunity to work in his classroom. One day, in the lunchroom, it happened again where I looked up and caught him staring at me. I told myself I was going to stare at him as intensely and not look away and I did, he looked away, looked back at me and we atred at each other, for what seemed like 10 seconds, I raised an eyebrow with a serious look on my face, he then craned his head back, looked away as he shook his head laughing. Then we caught eyes one more time and shook his head all embarrassed and laughed. I walked out of the lunchroom and ignored him until the end of the school year. In the texts before the alleged sexting, he would say things like I was good and that he was glad I was working with him. There were other moments when he wasn't quiet and icy, he would chat with me and ask me about what I thought about this or that? I never would tell him about my personal life or answer questions, and I felt like he knew I really cared about my position and would be hard to work with alot of times. He wanted me to tell him in detail why I wanted to collaborate with him so badly, more so than in my other position. I could feel him staring at me and it made me nervous sometimes. He seemed to be around every corner too toward the end and I just wonder, what did the stare in the lunchroom really mean? Can any male scorpio analyze tis and help me better understand it all.

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