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AriesinLuuuv joined February 06, 2013
female from va
Aries with Moon in Gemini.


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Posted by leoliza
Yea, it's no problem. Just a misunderstanding (:
With regard to diffusion: that's a great skill for any fire sign to link with! We get very worked up. My Libra does this and I'm eternally greatful. No one likes to be mad after all!

Egggzactly. smile
Leoliza: Ok, while I did find your mindfuck comment hurtful, I did continue to read thru the latest of this thread and I think in my OP I made it sound like he literally uttered one word to get me crawling back to him. In reading your back and forth with Jason about how Leo needs an equal, it made me think about how that is actually so for me and mine. I don't roll over easy with him. I give it right back, tell him what I feel is disrespectful and put the brakes on and give silence.
What my OP was more about is how he can diffuse me. I'm an Aries and I do love to spar, stand my ground - either in fun or in seriously pissed mode. But the Leo charm calms me and makes me realize no matter what, its all not that serious.
Did that make any sense? I'm on cold meds.
At any rate, I apologize that you felt I attacked our sex. Just felt like you were harsh for no reason other than to be harsh.
This topic has me lost in lovely thoughts here at work....... mmmm...... but to answer your question as a female...I'm probably a lil more critical when its pure effing. Like flashes between 'oh this is hot' and 'hmm, not keen on that'. Where, when its deeply emotional I'm floating in a whole different space...its otherworldly and everything is perfection...of course I'm talking about early relationship love making, not years down the road stuff...we won't even go there.
Posted by Run262
All the time. It makes it difficult though as well...sometimes I see the true nature of people or the true source of their problems, problem is I let them know or try to point it out and they just aren't ready to hear the truth. I don't go around offering my advice and insight though to everyone I come have to have a special place in my life before I consider if it's worth my time.

I have the same problem. My mother says I lack tact. Its just that I put things plainly without the sugar-coating, I guess. By the same tokien, I get told often by friends that I'm very "real", which I take as a very high compliment.
Ok, so I apparently evoke something in others. On my post gushing about my leo, she blasted me saying its all a mindfuck.
Yep, hurt my feelings a bit.
Personally, Jesse. I wouldn't tell him. Keep him guessing a little. Leo or not, every guy wants it to be a bit of a chase.
I've always felt I have pretty good instincts about the true nature of most people. I feel like I can do a pretty good job of intrepreting their intentions, their honesty level and so forth?
Posted by jessejames
It's so weird because I being a Scorpio have never dated a Leo. I feel like someone has taken the breath right out of me. It's so hard to not fall head over heels for him. I just have this deep connection with him that I've never felt. I don't feel all lusty or stupid like we just met its more like what can I do to stop myself with him. I feel like we have an unsurpassed connection but I'm scared to tell him and I'm curious if he feels this too. #makingmefeellikeaclown

Just pay no mind when leoliza comes in to try to burst your bubble for no good reason. I know how you feel about your leo...good for you...enjoy every moment.
Posted by leoliza
Also think its kind of pathetic when you take the first chance you get to blatantly attack YOUR OWN own sex....

All hailllll Leo mennnnnnnnnn
Nay the nay saying Bitter Leo Women OoooooOOOo
Spooky stuff!

OMG, you were the one to call it a mindfuck. Who attacked whom?
I wish you Love and LIght sista.
Jason: I don't see Gandalf as being unproductive. Leoliza seems to be the attacker here.
Gandalf: Thank you for allowing me to express freely my adoration for my Leo.
Leoliza: I'm sorry, but you feel like the judgy one here. And no, silly, he did not merely utter one word to me and I dropped to my knees. There's much more to the story, but I didn't feel like telling it all here...just wanted to express my happiness. God/universe forbid!
Negative vibes. Negative vibes. Why so much bitterness? Leoliza, you are wayyy to young to be so cynical and bitter. Ugh. Must be Leo women end up bitter...from what I see here I think the Leo men have huge hearts...and are not purposefully cruel. They respect themselves too much to be cruel as it is not a redeeming quality.
I can admit when I've gone off the deep end... after much reflection. He's been honest and straightforward from the get go. It was I who was. not. listening. Don't forget, Aries is way too impatient for our own good. Others are put before us to teach us and we WILL learn once we stop denying and start accepting the lesson.
I do believe sometimes the greatest, strongest love isn't always the easiest when it starts out. How else do you learn about how the other ticks without trials. With great risk comes great reward.
"And if they all throw stones
Start a collection
Of everything we're not
And won't be(cause)
In the end
We are Friends and Lovers"
Love and LIght to you. smile

Yep. All in my own head. It was all my own freak out.
Posted by Gandalf
We don't have any power. Leos are just humble peasants trying to survive in cruel world. we also don't have charisma or any other crap you guys talk about. Leo is the bottom rung in the hierarchy and we are just simply trying to survive. This planet is definetly not meant for us meek and gentle workers.

This is exactly what my Leo would say if I told HIM that that one word he says to me evokes so much. He doesn't say it to purposely convey all those things... he just can't help it. Mmmmm....

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