We met in the beginning of summer and wanted to hang out one night, both said we didnt want to be in relationship. but he & I had this attraction towards each other that we kissed for a good 20 minutes...anyways I made the mistake of sleeping w/ him on the first week of getting to know him & agreed to take things slow.
We text every morning before he goes to work & when he gets out (full time job) See each other on Saturdays w/ friends hangout in the park/game night.He is so sweet, funny, talented, has potential in life, stubborn, very affectionate to me.
He hates cheaters & does not like PDA. he's been cheated 3 times each by a different girl, Has an adorable 2 year old son that wasnt planned by him but still gives so much love for him. He is very caring, honest, & straightforward on everything. He doesnt like PDA within the 2nd month of talking he started to be affectionate in public tho very little things (kiss on forehead, arm, cheek) Always offers to drive me home, pick me up, hang out at his home, buying/offer food.
3rd month
we have the same group of friends, before me a woman said they were together in secret. Things went wrong between them & it didnt turn out well. She's happily in love with her new Bf. yet she noticed that everything he does for me never did w/ her. where he lived, met his family. Kiss in public, hugging, being playful. He even told his younger sister about me.
There was a time i was upset about a message (Aug 12) I received from my ex that got me so pissed off i couldnt tell him yet. He can easily see when I'm bothered by something.
So he would ask eveyone, if she was okay Whats wrong with her Do you know whats wrong?
He couldnt stay focus on the field w/ his friends because of me.
When I finally told him He was mad which blew up in my face cause i didnt tell him from the start. eventually he came around but i can still sense he was mad, the next night he said I love you & I really care about you. (all in the same day)
For him to say that was alot because he is not the type to open up or be all "feelly"
Recently: Sep 4, Friday.
I remember getting this message from an stranger on facebook. no real name or profile pic. It was sent Aug 1. but i didn't read it until we went camping (Aug 12). It said "Here are the messages between Rachel and Matthew" with pics of him being sexual and flirting.
I know him well enough that yes he is a flirt and we're not together to