Intense but can't decide what they want
I posted previously about my situation with my sag guy.
He's basically been ignoring me ever since I sent that text . Saw him at work Wednesday he blatantly ignored me all day then we both received some devasting work related news. We have 4 weeks to move out and find other premises .I texted him later saying what a cr*p day at work it was and that I was really upset about the news . He replied and we exchanged a few texts all work related no mention of why he's ignoring me.
Told him we need to stop ignoring each other As we both only have a few weeks left at work and we should end on a positive vibe and try to laugh ! He replied' yes fun and laughter all the way x'
Thing is since we spent intimate tims together 2 weeks ago where it was so different the way he held me, looked at me and touched me he's been very distant . We both have a lot going on career wise and many changes but these issues usually bring us closer together and we support each other
This guy has previously broke down in tears telling me he loves me and has told me he's in love with me .
I adore this man and love him deeply I've never tried to push him into a relationship I've kinda gone with the flow he seems to get super close then panics!
Im tempted to call / text him but don't want to intrude on his space if he's struggling but it kinda seems like he's in a mood with me ?
Him sag Sun
Leo moon
Scorpio Venus
Scorpio mars
Sag mercury
Me Gemini sun
Sag moon
Cancer Venus
Cancer mars
Taurus mercury
Yup mine pulls me super close we connect on an even deeper level then he gallops off on his little horse legs ! Oh it's tiring
Ok I've been in a 'situation' with a sag guy since December . We work together and we're friends for a year. We get on incredibly well on every level he's told me numerous times he loves me and has told me he's in love with me but sometimes he gets scared , panics and gallops off. Then comes back and woos me with Romantic songs taking me out for lunch, phone calls that last for 5 hours etc ?
We get really close then I tell him I'm coming to his fie dinner and of course we sleep together !
He tells me he's never got on with a woman the way he gets on with me.
Thing is he's acting weird since we spent time to here last thurs making weird jokes about me going off with other guys . Last week when we were ' together ' the way he held was so different the way he touched me and the way he looked in my eyes was very intense.
But he's acting weird and I texted him yesterday saying I don't know what we are any more he said he was tired and switching his phone off !
he has a lot of stuff going on at work mostly he doesn't know if he'll have a job next month so I feel a little harsh sending him that text but I just think it's time we either moved this forward or stop it . I love him so deeply I've never loved anyone the way I love him but he gives me so many mixed signals !
Him : sag sun
Leo moon
Scorpio Venus
Scorpio mars
Leo rising
Me: Gemini sun
Sag moon
Cancer Venus
Cancer mars
Libra rising