get along
*ment to be attached with last post*
well evo fish im glad that us water signs.
ph you gotta be a virgo because the way your anaylzing this reminds me too much of my girlfriend.
Can you believe it my virgo girlfriends going to be a psychologist, what an odd turn of events
scorpio here.
and i love how my sign has appeared on damn near every ones "hate list" and this would bother me except for the fact that i got a little piece of every ones personal thoughts now tied to there sign and a scorpion never forgets. But just remeber dont hate the plyers hate the games you cant play pieces peps lol.
I'm a scorpio and my girlfriend is virgo and when it comes to sex neither of us will deny that the sex is incredible. But i always have to intiate the sex and i was wondering is there anyway to turn my girlfriends sexual clark kent attitude into a super man. It just seems like sex is great as long as im willing to get it started buti would love nothing more for me to come home from work one day and be jumpped at the door. I figured wo better to ask how to get a virgos desire's to act out then a virgo
Perfect for the masochistic Gemini who just loves to be pampered and controlled
Complete opposites and it would be unusual if they even got along. The sexual attraction is strong but that is where it ends. Scorpio is sensual, passionate, demanding, jealous, inflexible and Gemini is fickle, flighty, superficial, lighthearted, changeable. Gemini like the social scene and Scorpio likes privacy. Not a good match.
typical scorpio comment.
embrace it juicy
Im currntly having a stand off with my virgo girlfriend and its killing me! Why in gods name do we always have to initiate the sex! I wanna be tackled and for god sakes practically raped by my virgoan girlfriend and she woun't do it and i'm not going to give in even though it's driving me crazy. Take i from me love is a two way street and if your only going one way on it he might find other roads to travel. He wants to be desired so go get your man and give him everything he wants you know in your heart that your gonna get it back 10X. When it comes to scorpios and sex give a little get a whole lot more. Probably that you can handle.
CAUTION: Scorpios pent up for weeks can be explosive in the sack!!! So cancel you afternoon jog for the next day because you 1 wont need it and two probably wont feel like moving let alone walking
PS HAVE SEX WITH YOUR SCORPIO DO IT NOW lol hope this helps, now this is a topic i can relate to
Personal Note: Im A guy miss morals
Back to the subject
"Im Kind of scared of scorpios"
be scared, lol were pretty messed up as a group we really cant stand each other. If you were to put a bunch of scorpios in a room together they probably all wouldn't make it out alive. But seriously scorps are HARD to be with, emotionally but when you crack one such as my girlfriend has it is amazing the love you will get in return. Which is why im going to have to disagree with miss morals again scorps can love 100% and i think that deep down they really want, no need that in their life.
By the way if she told you things like she was suicidal and other really deep things like that and then went cold on you she as either A, lying to see the suck you farther into he masscarade or B, really in love with you and REALIZED that and decided that she isn't ready for that deep a commitment, and because i dont know said chick i couldn't tell you if shes the drama queen type, or a love struck sissy. I'd say its a 50/50 split and because you know her better then us obviously ask your self this question. Does she cause un-needed drama in the lives of others then sit back and watch the puppets fight.