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BobbyJamez joined January 11, 2008
female from California
"I'm not a newbie. I was a former user, who? That doesn't matter. All that matters is that I'm here. =]"
"I'm not a newbie. I was a former user, who? That doesn't matter. All that matters is that I'm here. =]"


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I can't...I just can't even hate my pisces if I tried
and believe me I have
but I think he kills me with kindness sometimes and it confuses me and makes me feel stupid for the grudge I hold.
He'll never know that though.
Then again he probably does know I really don't dislike him which is why he keeps on doing what he does. He tends to know things when I think he doesn't.
Oh...Pisces...the all knowing.
I just wanna fry you fishies and have you guys for dinner.
Like coming in a warm, cozy, house after filling the chill outside. Sad
The Pisces effect on me is like seeing that peek of the sun in the sky when it's just rained and the skies were all gray and ugly. You know everything is gonna be alright and the days will be brighter. So much positivity and wtf-ness going on with them, i love it. Sad
I'm smiling right now, my night has been made! Tongue
Oh goodness, Scorpio.
I just kicked my Libra friend to the curb, unexpected, with her bossy self.
She would always read me stuff about her sign [I never asked because I really don't find the Libra zodiac all that interesting], send me stuff about her sign and such. She was just downright annoying and mean and I'm glad I left her out in the rain Tongue
Me and ex Pisces did that and still do.
^^ LOL at this whole exchange
Anyways, thanx *gives big bear hugs and lifts you up and spins you around and throws you down on the floor*
And always remember to eat those crabs, fry those fish!
or is it just me Sad
I thought this was an actual dance and I came in to see how to do it so I can showoff, now I am kind of sad about it all.
I'm jealous
His post are always so long and epic.
Why blast the mighty Aries?
I love em. Wimps or not.

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