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BrownSagg joined May 18, 2013


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My husband: seven yrs of infedility and lies so I got feed the hell up and had an affair with scorpio. Husband says its fine we can work it out. Im like hell no im not in love with you anymore.
Background: my husband was talking to damn prostitues on the phone. Fucking babysiters and ratched bitches. All he screams now is you were a horrible wife. How bout you are a horrible husband this man fucked a women he had watching my baby the bitch was coming over our house and pretending to be my friend i found out two days after my wedding. The shit is fucked up. Karma is a bitch
convo cont: He goes on to say baby i promise Im going to do better. I promise im going to come spend a week with you because we live three hrs away. Oh and he goes on to say I have not had sex with anyone since you. (That was in March) Im like oh yeah whatever. Then he keeps saying how much he loves me this convo goes on for close to an hr. The whole time im like GTFOH your all over the place.
My husband is a capricorn. Girl and he is moody as hell and full of shit. He preaches things he doesnt even do im just feed up. Scorpio man called a week and a half ago and says all this shit imma just tell yall cause i dont get his ass.
I am sorry i have been MIA i miss you so much and i needed this time to see what i wanted. I know i want you I have other alternitives but no one who makes me feel like you do. I am worried about being a father to your daughter and relaize that i want nothing more but the both of you. I would be satisfied If we never had a child together and I want nothing more but to be a dad to her. However i dont know if your husband is going to be a hassle. He goes on to say i dont want to be an Army wife because i am in the Army. I have been trying to figure out how we can live together and be together everyday.
Posted by DMV
Air it out my sag sister. Just write, no judgements. Was it something the psychic didn't say that has u a bit bummed? Wanna take a gander at your transits.

Hey DMV i just got pissed with the damn psychics they all said the same thing. Scorpio loves you very much he is not intereste4d in other woman he is just afraid. I get it; the main problem is im just tired of his ass and my damn husband. I am seperated. My husband tries to get me back and soon as i dont give in its fuck you bitch uggggh. I m sick of scorpio proclaiming to be my soulmate. I told his ass quit the shit like foreal. Who the fuck walks around proclaming to be someones boyfrined but you only talk to them twice a month.
Scorpios main problem: So inconsistent for two months madly in love wont stop calling or texting. Then as soon as i seperate from my husband he vanishes for weeks at a time. I snap saggy style on his ass. We have been friends for two yrs wtf. His excuse is this has all been alot for me i love youand want to be with you. Well act like it IJS or leave my the fuck alone.
or vegas
Hey hun yes I did go to the psychic i got lots of clarity. Main thing is that i need to focus on my life. But they highlighted on everything including Mr. Scorpio. They said scorpio loves you very much more than you can imagine he is just very afraid. They talked about my job and things that i need to be focused on now. Also pointed out that I no longer want to be married and i need to move forward. Told them very little.
Uggh just in a funky mood and looking to vent. I feel a little overwhelmed with realtionships, job, parenting and wishing I could just pull the damn covers over my head and hide out for three weeks. I want to just shut my phone off and have peace and quiet. Main problem struggling with a marital seperation; just wish i never got married wtf was i thinking. All i keep singing is Bitch dont kill my vibe haha cause it puts my mind in another place.
haha yeah some of these ladies on the forum are super funny would love to have coffe are just laugh with them.
There are some really cool people on the forum would you guys ever meet up in person for an event or is that too much. Just curious
So I went ahead and called I had three readings in one week. I know why so many? Well I wanted to see if they were similar and I was rating services. So the first company i went with was PsychicSource. They have a promotional one dollar a minute for new users so I only spent twenty dollars and recieved two readings. Both very accurate and kinda scary. I later called Keen and spent ten dollars and also recieved a similar reading. My conclusion there is much truth to my readings and I do believe in psychics. I wasnt looking for magic smoke nor times and dates of things to happen but more clarity and I recieved it.
Posted by geminicandle
Yeah, be careful brown sag. Do NOT tell them anything first, the point is for them to tell you stuff about you. But even then, I'd take it all with a grain of salt.
Do you want insight about that scorpio guy?

Thanks I would be lying if i said no. Truthfully i need insight about things in general going thru a transition phase in my life everything has shifted. Went from married to seperated. Two parent home to one and in love to pure confusion. But im still making it and i can still smile.
Saggs I know most of us love our bodies and enjoy working out. Share your workout tips for the summer and progress. Maybe we can learn something from eachother.

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Saggs I know most of us love our bodies and enjoy working out. Share your workout tips for the summer and progress. Mayb
Joined: May 18, 2013 · Topics: 10 · Posts: 67
There are some really cool people on the forum would you guys ever meet up in person for an event or is that too much. J
Joined: May 18, 2013 · Topics: 10 · Posts: 67
Uggh just in a funky mood and looking to vent. I feel a little overwhelmed with realtionships, job, parenting and wishin
Joined: May 18, 2013 · Topics: 10 · Posts: 67
Been thinking of doing a tarot reading and wanted others opinons on them. Have you gotten one was it accurate and would
Joined: May 18, 2013 · Topics: 10 · Posts: 67
ladies what makes you happy in a relationship. Its easy for men to attract me but hard for them to keep me.
Joined: May 18, 2013 · Topics: 10 · Posts: 67
Im constantly confused when I confront my scorpio man abut his disappearing acts and he acts aloof and calm as if nothin
Joined: May 18, 2013 · Topics: 10 · Posts: 67
I love being a sagittarius. What are some things that you love about yourself. Ill go first 1. Im so optimistic. I be
Joined: May 18, 2013 · Topics: 10 · Posts: 67
Everywhere i read that this is a horrible match i just dont understand the connection i feel to scorpio men. How could s
Joined: May 18, 2013 · Topics: 10 · Posts: 67
Im a sagg woman who has fallen head over heels in love; literally. I fell in love with his mystery, intelligence, and Bi
Joined: May 18, 2013 · Topics: 10 · Posts: 67
Im a sagg woman who has fallen head over heels in love; literally. I fell in love with his mystery, intelligence, and Bi
Joined: May 18, 2013 · Topics: 10 · Posts: 67

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