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BuffyTheVirgoSlayer joined May 08, 2007
female from Romania
" I are on a mission for to destroy all vermins! (This is the name I am calling the virgo peoples!) I are careful not to destroy
" I are on a mission for to destroy all vermins! (This is the name I am calling the virgo peoples!) I are careful not to destroy all vermins, because we are need some of thems to counteract the global warming! They are the most powerful source of coldness, even more than the arctics! Some of thems you are cannot even touch because of the icyness of thems! And some of thems you are needing special Star Trek type of equipments to detect life force in them!! Yes, some of thems are like the ""living deads""! We are no more needing robots because of we have evolved with new type of emotions that we are call ""feelings""! In vermin speak, they are not have this word. They are not even understand this terms! And so I are travelling all over this worlds, including the intranets to identify and slay the virgo peoples. I am always carry the virgometer at all time. Is special machines that can provide readout of virgocity [amount of virgoness]. Readout is make up of ten factor on rate of 1-10, what are the followings: 1 Lack of sense of humors [they are have strange sense of humors only understandabled by other robot!] 2 Boringness 3 Lack of life force [we are also call this lack of feeling and emotionisms] 4 Purity of the nonsence talk [for they are masters, like gods in this areas!] 5 Amount of the self lovingness 6 Lack of the empathie and compassions 7 Hitlerness [this is be the amount they are want to order you around like the childs!] 8 Insensitivitie 9 Snooze factor, [power of the anaesthesia] how quickly they are can make you to sleep when talking 10 Perfectness illusion [the rate of which they are look at other like the dirt] If the vermins are score over the 50% , then I ARE SLAY THEM! If they are score under the 50% , I are let them go free! I are encountered the problems because you are cannot kill thems like normal vampires! I are have tried this and it is not work! Why? Because of I am driving the stake through heart like vampires, but they virgos is still living!?!? What is this?!? because vermins have no heart! They are have no feelings so you are cannot kill thems with this methods! To slay the virgos you must put stake through their centre of powers, where they talk all of this nonsence..through the mouth! Then they are shrivel up like small potato-chip packet has been put on log fire! Is same effect! I are gonna keep table of targets so you can contact me for someone who you are want slay! Have nice day!"





