I still get giddy when I meet someone new and wonder how true the stars really are when it comes to relationships. I m
I really don't know where to post this, so I'll post this in a few places. Anyway,I started casually dating someone w
I really don't know where to post this, so I'll start here and then maybe his sign - although he's a cusp. Anyway,I sta
Question about a Gemini man on the Cancer Cusp. Anyway,I started casually dating someone with expectations of anythin
Zodiac Cusps
Sun Gemini 28.12 Moon Taurus 22.42 Mercury Gemini 26.41 Venus Gemini 9.35 Mars Aquarius 19.16 J
Anyone have a Leo Moon currently or in the past involved with another Leo Moon? Is it a battle for attention? Would we
Some that know of me probably know that I recently ended a loveless relationship and have been having fun dating people.
What's it been like for you? I'm not talking about a relationship chemistry, but the magnetism of passion.
What's it been like for you? I'm not talking about a relationship chemistry, but the magnetism of passion. Maybe it's m
I reconnected with a Scorpio whom I used to hang out with many years ago as friends. We went out on what was supposed to
Hi everyone. This is my first time here. I found this place by searching for astrological compatabilities between a Ca
Hi everyone. This is my first time here. I found this place by searching for astrological compatabilities between a Ca