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cafrella joined September 30, 2005



Thank you both, you're both right, a kick up the arse is something we all "need" from time to time... Thank you!
he probably said "you don't look happy" to try to get me to talk and say what's wrong... but unfortunately THAT person was there...
Well, it's "till the end of February" but he was told that it may be a few days, a week or so into March... so... but i keep thinking "what if one day he comes in and it's SOONER" so i'm not going to wait till the last minute... wouldn't be wise.
He JUST NOW walked in actually, i have not spoken to him in two days, and he said this nicely "gooood morning! how are you?" I'm ok i told him... he then said "you don't look very happy?" and someone was coming into the building so i just answered quickly "what else is new?! are YOU happy? is there ANYBODY happy into this place?" and he went to his office cause the person coming in was an employee who he doesn't get along with, that person is part of the reason why they're letting him go...long story... but anyhow...
I had a chance now, but because that person came in and chased him away... i didn't get a chance...
anyhow.. it's ok... I'll get my chance eventually
Maybe it will be my "lucky" day today! *wink*
Good morning or afternoon to you! *wink*
Yeees, Ahhh! that felt good! Thank you for that slap I needed that! You're cute! We're funny you & I! LOL!
So it's Thursday already... I have to move my butt and work my magic and get my prince before he disappears... POOF!!
I'll keep you posted on the satus! WOW you must be anxious for "THIS" to happen already! for this "Crazy Leo chick who's taking forever going after Mr. Crabby!!" to get somewhere! I tell ya! when it does you can have a party of your own down there!!
I'll talk to you later, be good and stay out of trouble now! *wink* I'm just bugging you! I'm in a grrreat mood today can you tell?! i don't know!?

just incase you're wondering...
Nothing has happened yet, we somehow got into a little fight, and it's my fault too, but me and my pride... you know how Leos can be! So i've been ignoring him and usually the more i ignore, the more he keeps coming to see me, but this time it's working the other way... I guess he figures "you want to ignore me, no problem! I'll ignore you too!" so THATS what's happening .... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING... and i'm so sad, i wish you, Moloko were here next to me so that you could slap me around a little so that i'd get my act together! ....
The clock is ticking... and he will be gone from here soon... i feel pressured...
I guess you're busy or something?! Where's Moloko gone to!? it's ok... i'm sure you'll read eventually.
SOOOOO yes IT IS a trick of some sort! I KNEW IT!
I told you I saw his BLACK jeans but HE doesn?t know that, because I saw it while he was talking to someone with his back to me, so now I was sitting at my desk and he walked by, and instead of having my back to him like I usually do ? that?s the way it?s set up - I was turned the other way and so he was surprised, a bit startled I guess, to see me facing him so he stopped right in front of my door way and very quickly he pretended to fix up his pants, his belt and just continued walking! I mean c?mon! as if that wasn?t for me to ?check? it or him out! I knew THIS was some sort of test? but what is he trying to accomplish with it? I?m not totally clear on that???? it must be to get me to ?plunge? ?
He came to see me after and I was facing my computer and the way my desk is, I couldn?t see his jeans, only his upper torso? so I said we will not have a shipper in the warehouse anymore? they?re finishing this coming Friday? and he said yes they are and he added in a sad tone??and I?ll be gone very soon too? and I kept staring at my computer screen and couldn?t look at him and he went back to his desk?
This is a very SNEAKY way to get me "going"! Maybe you are rigth about this one, cancers being sneaky!

Ok so I?m trying to figure out what that was? he came very late, didn?t call me ? usually he would, but I think he did all that to provoke me, to get some kind of reaction out of me? cause all week last week he kept coming to see me and I never or it never DID anything, I didn?t ?react? the way he thought I would ? like bringing up the topic about ?us? so now? he?s maybe trying to get a reaction or just some kind of reaction to see if I still care, and still think there?s a ?we?? I don?t know! And plus today he?s wearing his Levis? BLACK jeans! My number one favorite and he KNOWS it! He hasn?t worn them since before Christmas? because we were fighting and all?I?ve even jokingly asked if his dog had shred the jeans or something?! but TODAY he?s wearing them!
I bet this is ALL some kind of test he?s putting me through! Geez instead of just coming right out saying? ?Hey, what?s gonna happen to us when I leave? Would you be interested in seeing each other?? it?s not that hard!
Would you go through all that kind of trouble just to get a woman to do the first move?!
oh now 1:31 he comes in... Good AFTERNOON i said...(with a little annoyance in my voice, couldn't help it!) what happened to you? oh i must have ate something that wasn't good.. i was sick but now i'm better!
How's everything here he says? quiet? yes quiet... then he went to his office...
What IS that?!
Perhaps this is to see if I'll call looking for him or something.. to see how and if I'm worried at all... THAT i don't like though, i don't like games...
Perhaps that's what he's doing today? playing uninterested... it's 1:pm, and i have not heard from him, not see him? He could at least call! I thought of calling but what if he's in the middle of something?! I'm at reception here and suppose to know where everyone is! who's in, not in... when they're coming in... Geez! I don't know what the heck happened to him?! I'm a little annoyed, just a tad...
Something i read on the internet which i thought was interesting!!
The people born under the sign of cancer are very timid and are afraid of refusal more, than all other marks even summarized together. However, they are ambitious . Their way to success is similar with their symbol Cancer. They advance slow towards their aim, and then at the most unexpected moment they grasp the victim and just like a cancer strong holding it and do not let off. The moon operates the woman, and the men - cancer are not very aggressive in love . However, they create an attractive facade of naivety, that compels the woman to make the first step.
it's amazing how spot on this one is!

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