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CallMeAlienRobotOrWhatever joined February 03, 2006
male from Japan, Indonesia, Hongkong


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Feb fish + March fish = Stinky fish
funny, playful, affectionate, honest, no head game, not tempramental..thats what i can think about right now
"Re Alien Robot comment on Virgo?s - I think Virgo's have the biggest noses"
heyyy...that was not my comment lol. i never mentioned their noses
"I've a big forehead, I've heard that ppl with big foreheads are smart lol"
not really, men's brain are 10% bigger than women, but women's brain are far more efficient
so....leo is the most compatible for aqua as coworker / business partner
here i quote some of them
"Leo is ruled by the Sun and Aquarius is ruled by the Planets Saturn and Uranus. These three Planets form a sort of cycle that is indicative of the Leo-Aquarius relationship and their ability to come together to create new institutions. Uranus is the Planet of new ideas and creativity; it's from this Planet that Aquarius gets its great vision. Then the Sun gives life and an identity to their collective ideas. Finally Saturn keeps the process going to completion, following up after Uranus' inspiration has been exhausted and the Sun's energy moves on to new things.
Leo and Aquarius are both Fixed Signs. Leo gives Aquarius the assertiveness to charge ahead and take action, rather than just sitting in the laboratory concocting new ideas. Aquarius can impress Leo with their unique vision and originality. They are both loyal and devoted, and when they understand that they don't need to lead or follow, they can succeed as a team.
The best aspect of the Leo-Aquarius relationship is their ability to achieve a great deal when they work together. Fixed Fire and Fixed Air cover all the bases -- these partners can come up with an idea, plan how to implement it, get it going and stick with it to make it succeed. This complete cycle makes theirs a relationship of vision as well as practice."
actually i and 2 of my friends (leo and scorpio) are planning to start our business together, i cant wait to see what this 3 fixed sign can do.
"what do aquarius men think of gemini women"
most gem are annoying (esp for long term)
gem women are high maintenance, they get bored too easily, i dont want to spend all of my time just to please them....
I also have several gem and libra coworkers (not all) whose are extremely unreliable. i rather avoid this 2 signs as my coworker
he is playing game to see wether you are still interested in him or not.
if you re still interested in him, then call him, otherwise ignore him, and sooner or later he will also ignore you completely. i did it too to all of my exes
5 ft, 8", 170 - 176 pounds (aqua)
1" = 2.5 cm
1 kg = 2.205 pounds
most : taurus, gem, leo, sag, cap
least : pisces, aries

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which board do you think is the most interesting board? and why?

actually i love this astrology board the most, but seems like most people are more interested oin their own sign.
which sign do you think that have the most attractive personality? and why?
aqua / scorpio / leo or taurus?

look like real

about $7000/unit and aprox $850 for shipping

i'll post another pic later
i have changed alot since 2 or 3 years ago

in social life, i've changed from introvert to extrovert, i used to be a cool and quiet guy, until i realized its not attractive at all, in real life...its not like as seen on tv. being an extrovert, i h
i would like to say that i have a friendly & sleepy eyes, my GF used to tell me something like this "are you sleepy?" when i changed my face expression a lil bit. I'm begin to believe that women are more good in reading body language and face expression.<

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