How would you guys feel if your gf/bf/SO still used their dating profile? You know that you can see their online status and if it was a recent log in, how would you guys feel? I've been dating my bf for over a year and I sometimes get on my dating app to
I am sort of on the fence about changing my name and first, I want to see if it would be a good idea and second I want to know what you guys would change your name to if you could!
Right now I just think my name doesn't really fit me and sounds childis
Hey guys I need some help with what to get my bf for our 1 year. I have a shirt coming in that I know he will like but I would like to give him something else. Its actually in a few days and I haven't really planned for it like I should have >.> anyone ha
When I mean window shopping I mean looking at other attractive people either in front of your partner or in private whether it be online or in public. The question is, what do you guys think about it? Do you publicly announce it that you do window shop wh
A few reasons I would lose feelings for anyone is because of my own insecurities. Even though they are happy and tell me they are happy I can't read people well and misinterpret stuff that makes me anxious and depressed. Other reasons is because I don't s
Whoops. Idk how to feel about this because I said the L word to my bf last night. It was late and he was taking me home, we were both tired but when I left him to go inside I dropped the L word and it shocked me. Didn't mean to say it. It came out so casu
Well who else thinks Cancers are full of pettiness? I do! I have lots! Lol I'm a Cancer and I get petty or say petty things for no good reason! Who agrees?
When Virgos through a tough time with money, even tougher than what they are in, what do they do? Recently, my Virgo bf had to shell out a lot of money for his car. We were on a trip and his battery died. We got another one but with another repair already
Astrology How-To
I see a lot of people here who know their sun, moon, month zodiac, and even down to the minute zodiac all based off when they were born. Is there a chart online I can use once I get all my information to find out what zodiac houses and signs I am in and u
This is frustrating and a little scary but we have been dating for about 8 months now and he still uses his Okcupid (where I met him) and Tinder. His reason for it is to laugh at the people on the app at their summaries of themselves but honestly I don't
Why do you guys (Cancers and non-Cancers) think that Cancers get so depressed or fall into this detached state? One moment we are really bright and energetic then the next we just want to be alone and have nothing to do with anyone. This can last for days
For Virgos I know it is a must for them to have everything perfect but when they aren't happy and satisfied with life can they learn to look past their flaws if they truly like someone?