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Cancerman2014 joined April 21, 2014


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Strangely I can cope with Aries moons I just act like I am listening it is good enough. Beware of the Aries temper and the aries moon can be very selfish at times.
People always hate Gemini moons... But it all forgotten anyway I like other Gemini moons and Aries moons for some reason I get a long with. As long they not trying to outshine me lol.
I know this is a joke topic but Scorpios really are great if you in their good books. :p
It hell if you make them get their sting out or want revenge!
Take it from a fellow cancer you should of been mysterious and not gave in to him too soon. Should not of been hard for a cancer to do haha. I got my Scorpio girl because I left mystery as well as she made me earn the prize scorps are so damn good at what they do. Yes the girls love mystery the guys are no diffrent my friend who is a male scorp too told me this. You fell for his charms too soon (that could of been his test) to see if your easy or not. You have failed if it was and now what does he need from you? Sorry to be harsh to a fellow cancer but that's the facts move on. By the way my Scorpio girl used to test me but that was later in the relationship she never gave me her body first date. See if she did I would of gone mia too it not because he a Scorpio that happened anyway. First date come on you did everything in one afternoon/evening! Your doing that clingy thing we do and never letting go please relax and let him go now do wait on one guy after first date. I learned to control my clingy tendencies and my Scorpio ends up being clingy but I like it makes me feel secure she wants me. Please if he comes back it be a booty call only IMO. Just learn he not in the wrong nor are you some would say your lucky to have had him let you go haha. Trust me my girl can even annoy me clingy cancer yes she does go mia but i learned to respect her space. But your guy probably found another challege sorry. You just expected more and should of held back if that's the case. Don't worry plenty more out there if your ready for the ride when they do love you!

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