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cancerobssesion joined June 30, 2006


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Are all cancer men obssesed with breasts?
'Or we could exchange services.'
Iam kinda slow, so u're gonna break that down for me (what u mean)
Melody, very well put. This dude at my gym, i know he's very attracted to me.
I like him too but i rarely show him any attention. (Atleast not directly).
He would come by where iam working out and DELIBERATELY stare at other women
when he knows iam watching. If he catches me even glancing other other hot dudes,
its like his world is falling apart. There's been a few times he tries to flirt with
other's infront of me but he rarely gets any reaction. Is he just trying to get
some kinda of emotion from me?
Why do you try to make other's jealous when you know
you can't handle the other's making u jealous?
'Did french become hip or something?'
Where have u been? i'll give my right arm to be fluent in French.
I dont mind aggression, as long as there's passion. So are they pretty sizable?
How are they?
Jus curious....iam in dirty south.
Thanks for your input, i've caught him on several occasions staring me hard when
he thinks iam not lookng. Especially when iam on the treadmill, he would jus stand there
STARING, It makes me uncomfortable but at the same time i LOOOOOOOVE it. He seems like a titty man too (i got d's) its like they put him in a trance or
I could give myself away, but i cant handle him rejeting far as i know, he's the only one for me. I don't flirt or even talk to other guys, i act like they're not even there whenever he's around i know that's another why he's interested. I also dress sexy, but classy, none of that, thangs jus hanging out.
Crab 23,
Thanx for that info, i'll look it up. It sucks not knowing ur b/day, believe me. But iam used to it.
Calling someone you don't know from a number you got from the yello pages is a lil' scary to say the least. Sorry to be direct but i think that he's either dating somebody, could be married or just not interested. The fact that so much time has passed
since you last saw each other could've eroded his interest in you if at all there was any. What are the chances that y'all could ever meet, outside of u trying to reach him?
but then again, i got an ego problem so never mind me.
personally i wouldn't. Especially if iam 100% sure that he got the text messages, even just 1. I believe a man should pursue a woman, period. Its sooooo much easier that way.

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Are all cancer men obssesed with breasts?
Joined: Jun 30, 2006 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 15
How are they?
Joined: Jun 30, 2006 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 15
Jus curious....iam in dirty south.
Joined: Jun 30, 2006 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 15
Why do you try to make other's jealous when you know
you can't handle the other's making u jealous?
Joined: Jun 30, 2006 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 15
And i don't even know his NAME!!!!!!!We been going to the same gym for years
never said a word to each other, but i know iam in love with him. So is every woman. I do have his eye though caus i got a better game plan than the average woman who is so p
Joined: Jun 30, 2006 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 15

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