Had a dream that my little brother was driving me home, the weird part is that he's only 16 & we were in the car but in the back seat Driving ( nobody was in the front ) & he was driving from one of those video game steering wheels. He's driving and we we
Aries and Libra Compatibility
Me and this libra met in 2014, I thought we were friends the whole time, even though he would buy me gifts, take me out etc. he never really made a indication that he saw me more that that physically or verbally so j just thought that was in his nature, w
Had a dream that me & my ex was in a food court & out of nowhere he put a ring on my finger, I looked at him we kissed & he picked me up, then the food court turned into a dress store, where 2 girls I work with were looking for dresses but complaining abo
Had a dream I seen and yellow and white snake, it wasn't next too me, it didn't bite me I just seen it but it didn't see me, what does this mean? A couple of days before this I also had a dream that I was cleopatra and it was raining not sure if the two r
Aries sun Leo moon Aries ascendant any thoughts? Personality traits on that
Aries and Libra Compatibility
Keep seeing my ex number everywhere & keep seeing people that look like him everywhere I go we broke up about a year ago what does this mean?
Aries and Libra Compatibility