Had a dream that my little brother was driving me home, the weird part is that he's only 16 & we were in the car but in the back seat Driving ( nobody was in the front ) & he was driving from one of those video game steering wheels. He's driving and we were kind of on this bridge & all of a sudden he drives into the ocean. ( it was no cut off on the bridge) so I'm yelling at him telling him he should pay attention, then I see 2 girls in a boat or something asking them to help & they replied " what are we supposed to do? & you probably already have hiv from that water" then we end up in this town or something called etopia and asked more people for help once I told the lady that the car was still working we just needed to go back to the roads she said ok , she's gonna get a jet for us to get back but it was a waiting line, so we went where people was waiting & it look like it turned into a doctors office, when it was our turn at the window I woke up. What could this mean?
Me and this libra met in 2014, I thought we were friends the whole time, even though he would buy me gifts, take me out etc. he never really made a indication that he saw me more that that physically or verbally so j just thought that was in his nature, we got along really well, always was on the phone etc. it wasn't until the end of that year I started to catch feelings for him so I made it be known. I'm more of the Aggresive one so in 2015 we wer basically " talking " but it was on the behalf of me saying something he would say he always liked me but didn't say anything because he didn't know if I felt the Same way back, so we talked for 11 months, anything I asked him to do he would but the simple things it's like he didn't know how to ( like him having to ask to see me without me saying anything, flowers, basically unexpected simple things) it's like all the extreme buying things he was good at but the important simple things he just didn't know how. Anyways I wanted to know when we would make it official & he would tell me after we get over the lil issues that we had ( us arguing, etc) but most of the arguments would be because of the little things I want him to do that he act like he couldn't. I stopped talked to him for a week, completely and deleted him off of social media, when I wrote him he acted like a completely different person he would answer the phone and text back but it was just a real nasty attitude he would have, things slowly kind of got back to normal again until I bought up the relationship again, until then I asked him was he ready to be in one and he replied " idk I won't say yea but I won't say no" which really pissed me off because we talked for a year what are you still unsure off? So basically things between us got really bad, he just turned really cold on me. Now 2016 he would write me on holidays, say he loves me, etc but right after that stop talking to me.. About 2 weeks ago I wrote him and said I miss he replied and said the same, we ended up seeing each other which he bought up, things were cool, but he still kind of has this hot and cold thing towards me I feel, when I ask if he misses us he says yea which is a plus because these are things he would not answer when I asked earlier in the year, I asked to see him again he says yea, but I'm still trying to figure out where this is going
Had a dream that me & my ex was in a food court & out of nowhere he put a ring on my finger, I looked at him we kissed & he picked me up, then the food court turned into a dress store, where 2 girls I work with were looking for dresses but complaining about the prices , then he switched to me and him being at my grandmother house and my aunt kept asking me is he my boyfriend, I would say no and she would just say the number 5, then I looked at the tv and my phone number was the winning lottery number what does this mean
Had a dream I seen and yellow and white snake, it wasn't next too me, it didn't bite me I just seen it but it didn't see me, what does this mean? A couple of days before this I also had a dream that I was cleopatra and it was raining not sure if the two relate
Had a dream that me & my ex was in a food court & out of nowhere he put a ring on my finger, I looked at him we kissed & he picked me up, then the food court turned into a dress store, where 2 girls I work with were looking for dresses but complaining about the prices , then he switched to me and him being at my grandmother house and my aunt kept asking me is he my boyfriend, I would say no and she would just say the number 5, then I looked at the tv and my phone number was the winning lottery number what does this mean
Keep seeing my ex number everywhere & keep seeing people that look like him everywhere I go we broke up about a year ago what does this mean?
I always tend to find myself in relationships where I start to realize that the person has too many " problems " for me whether it be finacally, their way of thinking or family issues I find that it's kind of a turn off, especially if the problems are too early in the relationship, if I like them enough I'll try to ignore it, but it can't be on pretty overbearing and annoying for the BEGINING of something.