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CappieLatina joined January 11, 2009


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I was so confused with my on/off virgo male that a friend suggested I go talk to someone she knows that is clairvoyant. At first I was reluctant since I am not into "psychics" and rather skeptical. Well I am glad I did, she was able to shed some light...She picked up on his personality and other details without me saying a word. I didnt even tell her his sign. she told me hang in there, things would get better. I left not expecting much & kinda skeptical overall. After all he hasnt even called me in months!! Well, since then her predictions are happening! I couldnt believe it when he called as she said and he is behaving as she saw it. Now I have some hope, if she is right we will end up together, just will take a little longer. It hard to read men sometimes, but Virgo takes the cake..The road can be a long one but they are worth it. If it wasnt for her insight I would have given up.
P..I think you have a point, that is exactly what happened to me. of course I was confused, thinking he didnt mean it obviously when he backed off some.
I agree with Shinnygirl...I am a cap and need my space as well, but I dont disappear on the person...the fact is they get scared or pull away b/c they dont want committment..when you really care for someone you dont pull away for weeks/ long are we suppose to wait for them? and what if they dont come back? I say live life, go out with others, and when he does come back let him know how your feel, otherwise he will do it again..NEVER let a man, whatever sign think your so smitten that your willing to wait for him..must be nice, we suffer waiting for them and they are out dating other girls..LADIES RESPECT YOURSELF!!
hey Joe, if 44 isnt old for a guy then the same applies for females...its just a number!
capricorn I know how you feel.I was smitten(kinda still am) by a virgo man I met 2 yrs ago. unfortunatley, we live in different states and I think he got scared and has pulled back. I read all I could about Cap/Vir, and according to astrology we make a great couple. I needed more insight, real life experiences, so I came across this site and I am glad I did b/c I now understand them better. They are known to "pullaway" if they really care for you, which doesnt make sense to me..they are very analitical, which is what I assume happened to really need lots of PATIENCE with them, but I hear they are worth the of luck
25th..I was never a "vampire" with the virgo I was dating..I showed him by actions that I cared for him and when he told me we should be together I agreed. It was after that I noticed the change...maybe he wasnt ready being that it is long confusion was why did he mention marriage if he wasnt ready? was it his ego, was he just testing me? I really dont know..all I know is I read alot about virgo's pulling back when they do care for you, which doesnt make sense to me..and now he is slowly trying to re-enter my life..I dont like the yo-yo games they seem to play...I never pressured him & gave him space.. He was the one to mention marriage..I will not wait around forever..It tkes me alittle time to express my feelings but my actions proved it. Decan, you need to look at both sides
Hani....I am done analyzing them!!! its enough to make a person go crazy..honestly, its not fair to those on the sidelines waiting for them to make the move...I dont think their intention is to hurt you but that is what it looks like on our end...i dont play with others emotions..
I cant figure them out..I give up!! why would someone expess their feelings, then hide???
sorry virgo's this doesnt make sense...if you love someone do what is necessary and runaway from them!!
Chatz, I am so happy for you..I have hope lol..its funny b/c I want to do the same with one Im dealing with that contacts me after bieng MIA for awhile(long distance), he sends me an IM today(which he had stopped doing once he got comf with me)anyways, he was being a flirt, say that when he comes back into town he will look me up so we can hook up..i told him he hadnt bothered to come see visit me. well, i didnt express this, but i got pissed, if he thinks im gonna be a bootie call when he comes to my city..i dont know what he wants, they are so confusing. after disappearing, i think he is trying to test the waters, b/c he doesnt know where i stand. i do want to have the TALK, like u did to clear things up. dont know if it will work for me, but if he does want something he better shape up, if not he is OUT!! NO FWB, long distance for me.
very true Chatz
dont break anything, it might be costly to repair, causing him more stress!!..tell him to go fix something at a relatives,etc..they love helping others, keep him out he might drive u crazy
DyarStra, thanks for the input..i know the fact that he proposed over the phone doesnt seem legit..we had already met, tho..LDR is difficult and he probably analyzed eveything, got scared, and backed off..the only thing that gets to me is that, i never pressured him, i was taking it slow, he was the one full speed ahead. i dont understand why he did that, bringing up that i was special we should be 2gether, i kinda doubted him at first, but then said yes to the late night proposal lol..he never mentioned anytthing, then stated pulling back slowly..I dont know ur exp with Cappy's, i admit im not very expressive at first because im cautious, not very trusting..but i gave him space,let him know i was interested by my actions.when i said he will have to work harder, i dont mean it as a form of punishment, rather to make him understand that this push/pull behavior wont be tolerated. its not fair to anyone dealing with them. he cant expect to enter my life, leave, and come back whenever he pleases, i read posts here from woman that have been dealing with this saga for yearsss, but b/c they are virgos we are suppose to sit back and wait b/c they are worth it?? No im worth it, he better hurry up...thanks again for advice

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