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Charles Roza joined April 25, 2013


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i have been with this aries girl sum months nw n we have been through alot n we love each other very much but sometimes i dont understand her. She does things that pisses me off but its like she dont realize it, n when i do the same things she gets really mad; (for example; she txt wit male frenz while i am there n makes it seem like nothing but when i txt wit female frenz or any fren while she is wit me she gets furious>Winking....we row alot but then make up rite after, most ime by having sex...i love her and shows her every time we meet but she dont shows me alot of love back altho she says she love me more than i tell her.. she jus threats me wit disrespect n like to insult me but i was made to understand, that is how aries women are.... i wud like to know wat can i do to make her threat me wit more respect as her man, what can we do to keep things between us going smooth, wat will be the outcome if i do marry this woman(will we last),, n how can we be happy wit no argument????
jus be straight up with him.. since he is a cap i can already feel the distance n if he is keeping it distanced then he is jus preparing for the worst,,,, so jus tell him n everything wud be ok...

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Aries and Capricorn Compatibility
i have been with this aries girl sum months nw n we have been through alot n we love each other very much but sometimes
Charles Roza
@Charles Roza
Joined: Apr 25, 2013 · Topics: 1 · Posts: 2

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