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chistateofmind joined March 06, 2008
36 years old male from IL
SunPisces28.52: March 19-Pisces-Aries Cusp (Day of Dogged Persistence) Ascendant Sagittarius12.47 MoonAries15.04 IICapricorn17.09 MercuryPisces 3.47 IIIAquarius27.01 VenusTaurus14.06 IVAries 3.21 MarsCapricorn17


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Is there any reason for him not to trust you? If there's not, you might have to move on.
"There really are no choices .. you may think you choose by your own free will, but, really, you choose according to what has been planned for you to choose."
i'm sorry but why do you get to decide that? keep those ridiculous thoughts to yourself.
QFT, took the words out of my mouth.
Animating the four gross Elements is the vital force, represented by the fifth Element Ether. Ether, though beyond physical manifestation, is visualized as the substance out of which the other four Elements are formed and into which they will once more dissolve. For this reason Ether has been described as the quintaessentia or fifth essence. This relationship is beautifully illustrated in the relationship of alchemical symbols for the Elements, illustrated in Figure 1, in part two of this article.
I've had the most RANDOM dreams, I don't know what to make out of any of them. Generally, if I bump into someone I haven't seen recently they appear in my dreams...
The one I recall most vividly I was about to be executed in a similar fashion to Mel Gibson in Braveheart, while being dragged past a table I grabbed a knife or sharp object and stabbed it into the leg of the person dragging me. At that point I manage to fend off another couple people and haul ass into this castle like structure except on the inside it looked like a modern house and I being chased by numerous people upstairs that never seemed to end they just kept curving around and at times I'd run down a hallway and find another set of stairs, eventually I find a balcony that I jump off and the last thing I remember is jumping over numerous fences only to wake up.
Another one involved balancing on narrow planks while moving vertically up and down all while protecting against huge killer bees and other crazy looking shit that looked out of Mario or DK. Then suddenly I was at the beach with some friends, and these random people I bumped into in RL earlier that day came and sat down with us..
"Saturn is doing a doozy on us Pisces..It seemed to have slowed up some with me..I am still dealing with the eclipse though.."
I can't say I noticed a damn thing change after that eclipse, although I do feel the presence of saturn. How did the eclipse effect the rest of you?
THREES communicate in all areas: written word and verbal. Writers, radio broadcasters, actors, singers, performers, counselors. They are the natural comedian. They can be manic depressive if they do not use their creative energy and tend to exaggerate the truth. Known for their trademark smile, eyes and voice.
The 4 Attitude is a list keeper. They can be very quiet; you don't know what they're thinking. They're keeping track of all that's happening. You might find them surrounded by nature, or doing any form of repair, or construction. The 4 Attitude teaches all of us. They become an expert at their skill and teach us how to do it. They definitely will play devil's advocate: they make you see all sides. That's their Attitude Number.
The only part of my life path that I would consider true is that I can exaggerate the truth. The 4 attitude holds a lot more truth.
"branh0913 dissing Pisces ..."
What else is new? If you don't like what a user brings to the table skip the posts of their avatar. This method has proved useful for me for a number of users.
If Mercury is in detriment in Pisces wouldn't that naturally mean Virgo is exalted?
Project Pat
Some select DMX
These are a couple of my current favorites:
It MJ was legalized every single American would be able to have health insurance. I smoked constantly from age 16 up until last Feb, I came to the conclusion I'm not the type of person who can smoke casually on the weekends. I would always find some reason to smoke during the week and end up smoking daily. I managed to be a little productive when I'd only smoke in the late evening after I took care of all responsibilities, in retrospect I feel it still would effect my decisions over the next 2-3 days. In the last few months I've made more progress than I have since highschool, I got certified as a personal trainer and currently earning 30k a year.
My mid is Libra, it is the only air sign in my entire chart. I've never paid it any mind until now. Thanks for the post.
My Capricorn mother who died when I was younger installed many values that I carry with me today.
I learned a lot from my Scorpio Grandfather and Aquarius Uncle.
My Leo father taught me more or less how to save, although I strive not be a cheap ass like him.

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>>The Aries Moon is an unstable and uncomfortable Moon, since Aries is a Fire Sign and the Moon rules Cancer, a Water Si
Joined: Mar 06, 2008 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 164
any advice? i'm a pisces/aries cusp. i can get charts later when i'm on my home cpu, thanks in advance!
Joined: Mar 06, 2008 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 164
for numbers? If I dial a number three or more times manually I can generally recall either the number or the the shap
Joined: Mar 06, 2008 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 164
Sag is my AS and I keep reading that 'we are attracted to foreigners.' What's up with all that talk? I don't feel any mo
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Relationships & Astrology
They don't like anything wishy washy and should probably avoid relationships with people who have the Sun or Venus
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Anyone else have Mercury in Pisces? I've read over and over that this is the a detrimental combination... Considering my
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Sun - Pisces Moon - Aries Asc - Taurus Venus - Taurus And it blew me away how dead on the Taurus descriptions for
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