Mom: Virgo
Dad: Capricorn
Me: virgo
Brother: virgo
Virgo girl and tequila shots r my fav!
I have dated a Cancer man and I would have to say they r the most femine of all! He was sooo sensitive it was like 2 girls in the relationship! ON the toher hand..I am a virgo and dating a virgo now and he is quite mushy mushy but nothing compared to my cancer ex!
Im a very virgo girl going out with a very virgo man... i have been readin a lot and I am scared he will get bored OR we just might have too many things in common. We r VERY sexually attracted 2 each other so that's not a problem but I still have my doubts...maybe bc he is younger than me? But I am posting this so people can help me..give me advice about virgo men and if u think 2 virgos have enough room in one relationship!