I've read conflicting articles regarding Virgos and grudges. More articles than others stated we do tend to hold them,
Any sign is free to chime in. What rumors/misconceptions/stereotypes about your sign would you like to stand up and
See? THIS is why I stay to my f'n self. You try to be friendly with someone, and suddenly they think they can complete
I've been swamped between work and a school project (due tonight, no less!) on Lizzie Borden. For those of you who d
This can be for any sign (please do list your sign before you answer), but I'm really interested in seeing what other Vi
I'm curious to know :) What were your hopes and dreams then? Are you making them happen/have they happened already?
So, lots of astrology sites/books have labled Virgos as being irked by the smallest annoyances that other signs might no
What are yours? Some attainable ones, please, people... ;) We all want to win the lottery, but that's not a resolution
Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Your November Horoscope by Susan Miller Virgo Horoscope for November 2011
This was pretty interesting!! I'll post each sign as the ex down below. Agree, or disagree?
I saw in an earlier thread that your Venus is what really represents how you'll act when in love. Being new to anything