There's your problem. Find yourself another virgo with a different moon.. it won't be perfect but he wouldn't disrespect you like that ( if he's raised right).
Lack of a mother as a child can cause such problems for the man's relationships down the line. I find with this one that he never really learned what healthy communication is, which I think is why he is so careless in speaking. I find myself wondering " would you say that to your mother?!" And then I remember, yeah he probably would.
Yup soo true. Men that have no respect for women usually don't respect their momz. I find myself asking men that I date how is his relationship with his mom earlier on in the getting to know stage.
It's getting easier to spot them too. It's the little things you have to look for.. like if he opens the door for you while entering a room or if he ask to carry something that looks heavy for you..