Naw, she's not interested, when a person is interested in you they ask you questions.
What are the signs a Taurus woman from a dating app is into you?
She calls quite often, she listens, but doesn't ask any personal questions.
Usually 21-year-old guys are not thinking about having a relationship.
However if a guy does want a relationship with you there will be no doubt.
There will be no mixed signals.
It will be clear, and straightforward.
If it's not, he does not want a monogamous relationship with you like most 21 year old guys.
Actually all guys do this in the beginning for sex; it means absolutely nothing. If after 3 months he is still doing these things and you have not had sex, THEN he's into you.
Jealousy is a serious emotion and if left unchecked it can get out of control. So I will think rationally about the circumstance that triggered the incident; if I feel she purposely triggered it, I would stop seeing her because I don't have time for childish pranks, plots, games, or bullshit. Jealousy for me is an indication it's time to go, this woman isn't making me feel secure and there is someone better out there. I will start to distance myself and find a more secure stable woman.
I found out he was talking inappropriately with another female and having her send him inappropriate photos and when I confronted him he flat out tried denying it to me even though I had proof.
Are you two married? You are acting like you have the ranking of a wife. He owes you nothing, marriage means fidelity not boyfriend. Do you have an engagement ring? Why are you acting as if this guy owes you fidelity? Are you under the delusion that a single unmarried man is going to be with one woman? Where do you chicks get this fantasy shit? Lol, He did nothing wrong, you did. You violated his boundaries by going through the phone of a man who is not your husband or fiancée. He owes you nothing. Nothing.. girlfriend just means the chick I bang more than any other chick at his moment. To expect a single unmarried man to give you the fidelity we give our wives is ridiculous. WTF?
A Libra without water, will get over it in about 3 weeks, if we really loved you maybe a month and a half. Then proceed with the person we had waiting in the wings.