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cookieromy joined May 18, 2013
28 years old female



My best friend is a cancer and we get along pretty well so i hope everything goes great for you and her. I think you should let her talk about herself too cause some times i have that issue with my best friend: she talks all day about her problems and analyzes every detail and when it's my turn to talk about my problems, it usually lasts for like 5 minutes before she changes the subject back to her. I like to be asked questions about myself, i think you should ask her some things but then again, every person is different from the other. I hope this was helpful, if you need anything else, just post it smile
Chocolate factory could be nice but i think it would be nicer with simply chocolate sauce, no need for more haha.
The fantasy about sex on the beach during the zombie apocalypse is perfect for aries!! Sex with danger and romance would be just perfection like a picnik at night then one of those hurry up someone might catch us sex on the beach or something like that.
Thanks for sharing guys Big Grin
Okay update: he talked to me as if nothing ever happened and i asked him why he didn't answer me and he said he doesn't know... I decided to give him his space and not say anything and just forget about it like he probably did.
Everyone has fantasies, what the hell is wrong with you two :/
I'm guessing you're an aries?
I was wondering if all aries are freaky in bed and everything. For each fantasy you share, i will share one, how does that sound? Just curious btw _??
It's not an exaggeration, i think if's actually true for most aries. I can at least say it's true for me.
See this is one of the many reasons i love scorpios: you guys know me better than i know myself. I can honestly say that i didn't really analyze that my insecurities got the best of me and i talked myself out of it without even realizing it. You're completely right. Don't be sorry, i appreciate your honesty really, and thank you for answering me Big Grin We're further away than you probably think, like he's half way across the world from me. I know it can be possible that we meet and see each other but only if we both really want to. I really didn't do anything to hurt him that's why i was surprised and hurt when he completely ignored me. Listen, i really wanna fix this. I think i only showed him the insecure and shy part of me. Not the confident and fun part. I can be confident at times and i didn't show it and i know i really regret it cause what if he never talks to me again just because i'm not the person he wants? I want to fix this so badly i don't know what to do, i want to talk to him and apologize for doubting him, as you said, and i just hope he'll understand but at the same time i don't want to talk to him first, i think i would seem needy or something because if he wanted to talk to me, he would have talked to me right?
So basically, i don't really know what to do. I thought about sending him a picture out of the blue like a sexy picture of maybe just me smiling since he said he likes my smile. That would show him a little that i'm confident and not too shy. But i think i should wait another week before doing that. I really wanna fix this, i don't want to lose him he makes me happy and he's so perfect and sweet and i ruined it omg. So what do you think? Btw i used a break hahahahaha. I'm new to this blog sorry but thank you i'm gonna start using breaks from now on since a block of letters is probably uninteresting.
I honestly don't believe in past lives.. I see my past as somethingi overcame, something that made the better person that i am today and i don't regret anything at all.
Thank you for your time minimalistmike! So you think i should move on with my life and if he wants to talk to me, he will right? I think that's what i'm gonna do :/
I am a 17 year old Aries female and i am completely head over heels over a 19 year old scorpio male _???. I always find myself attracted to scorpios for some reason and i just can't help it, they are just so perfect i can't handle it. Okay so recently, this scorpio guy found me on tumblr and started talking to me and a day later he said he loved me. I didn't know how to react to that, even though i did like him a lot, he was very sweet and open and supportive and he let me talk about myself without telling me i'm annoying like other guys hahaha. I asked him why did he love me and he said you're smart, funny, beautiful nice and i want you. I honestly do not think i am beautiful like i'm the most insecure person ever. To make a long story short, we talked for a while and skyped. Oh and i forgot to mention he lives far away. So one night i asked him if he really thinks this 'relationship' is worth it. Relationship between two people not like boyfriend and girlfriend. I told him if he wanted this to be real he has to be honest with me and tell me what he wants. Because i don't think a long distance relationship would work since we never met, we don't know that much about each other, we can't really trust each other i mean i want to trust him but just knowing there are girls around him that i can't see or punch, that kills me. So he said he wants to keep talking to me and enjoy the time we have together. I told him one day he's gonna get bored of me since he can't see me every day and all (which is impossible no one can get bored of me hahaha) and he's going to break my heart and he's gonna find someone else whom he can touch and kiss and make love and do everything with. Btw DO YOU GUYS HAVE ANY IDEA HOW SEXUALLY FRUSTRATED HE MAKES ME? Its really unimaginable. He stopped talking to me for a week. I waited for him to talk to me and he did and when i answered he completely ignored me. I know he saw my message cause he was online and then he went offline. Another week has passed and he still did not talk to me. I hate being ignored and i hate waiting. He's really really killing me because i fell in love with him (i fall too hard too fast..) and i can't even eat anymore. I feel so empty when he doesn't talk to me i guess i got attached to him. "Once you're attached you're fucked". I don't know what to do. Should i let go since we might never even meet or should i hold on knowing we might meet some day? Be completely honest and thank you for your time Big Grin
Take it as a compliment, he doesn't want to lose you to someone else. And even though we don't admit it, us aries are very insecure when it comes to the one we love because we just can't lose that person, it would be heartbreaking. You cannot change his possessive nature but you can start looking on the bright side of it: he loves you so much or else he wouldn't have gotten jealous.

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