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corkymarxe joined February 27, 2012


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You gals are awesome! Including XV2(male) and Piranhaparadiise(don't want to leave you out!) I will apply the words you all have written out so thoughtfully and completely.
@Venusian- thanks for your replies on the Taurus forum as well. (I'm hitting up EVERYONE!) All the information has helped.
@Tbird - she screams she needs space all the time ss well! (and i'm on the other side of the world right now) LOL.
Thanks for listening ya'll! Seriously! smile I'll be gone for 8 more months... I can't wait to see her again.
Posted by venusianbull
Hit the 'quote' button up to your right on whomever you'd like to highlight. Hit enter so your text isn't contained within the quote and tap out your response. Post message. smile

umm.. oops, didn't work.. trying again...
AhA!! Thanks Venusianbull!
TBIRScared Thank you soooo much! Really great words, thank you! I'm going to read it again! smile
what about if i got insecure and it made her really upset with me? I can tell she's a little timid right now, so i'm trying to give her space, but how much space is good enough or how much is too much? is there an easy way to help her get her comfort level back?
SCORCHED EARTH: wow, thank you for the insight. I did actually go insecure pisces nutcase on her... it wasn't pretty. i am trying to lay low for a spell so she can feel comfortable, but GAWD i could use a long love letter from her! haha. Hey, if your pisces did that to you, what's the most comfortable way for you to "feel comfortable" again??
TO THE REST: LOL!! Thanks for your remarks!!
How do you guys do the quote thing before your responses???
Both good insights! Thanks you two! smile
Actually comrade, we CAN get married AND have children... that's a silly reason to disregard one's affection for another. anyway - to each their own.. one's ability to marry or make babies doesn't validate anything- lots of idiot baby daddies running around i hear...
thanks to the rest of ya'll for being cool. VENUSIANBULL: That sounds about right!! smile She has the most excellent wit!!
Hey there - I'm head over heals in love with a Taurus (we're both females), and she is the first Taurus I ever dated. We were excellent friends, but now that we crossed over to committment land, her independance/practicalities makes my need for utter cinderella romance extremely insecure. Not to mention I've become jealous and posessive, which i didn't feel before we started dating. She's not even doing anything to make me feel that way, they just popped up. So, I've learned so far to NEVER question a Taurus's integrity, lol! smile
I'm so afraid I'll end up pushing her away. It sounds bad on paper, but I just can't figure out why I feel so insecure around her all the time. She's awesome, and makes me laugh so hard. There's no reason for me to doubt. I thought our signs were supposed to be pretty good together, but I worry about not being enough to keep her interested, I guess. Plus I think I smother her with too much mush. I don't know what the heck I'm doing..
Any insights, opinions, experience??
Thanks all!! smile
I am a female pisces, in a relationship with a taurus female...I am crazy about her, but dang she is hard to figure out! smile i require tons of reassurance, and she prefers to make light of romantic scenarios, but likes for me to continually tell her of my love, haha. i don't mind, since i am one big romantic head.
I am stationed overseas in the military, and terrified that she is going to get bored with me/the relationship while we are apart. We had only just met a month before I left. Any suggestions on how to keep a female taurus happy for 8 more months?? She is very practical and does not ignore her feelings. She mentioned perhaps going to "friend status" until I return, and it worries me, because once she makes up her mind, it's very difficult to get her to think there may be other options.
She's awesome, and i don't want to lose her while i'm gone.
Anyone with some good ideas?

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Hey there - I'm head over heals in love with a Taurus (we're both females), and she is the first Taurus I ever dated. W
Joined: Feb 27, 2012 · Topics: 2 · Posts: 9
I am a female pisces, in a relationship with a taurus female...I am crazy about her, but dang she is hard to figure out!
Joined: Feb 27, 2012 · Topics: 2 · Posts: 9

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