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CrabPrincess joined July 19, 2013


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Posted by aurora
leos. i find them least judgmental and manipulative sign. i'm not talking just about my man, but about all leos in my life. they can swallow pretty much everything. probably sags too.

I disagree with this. Most leo's that I have met don't give a shit how you feel. You need a Scorpio.
This happens to every sign, but from what I read Capricorns have it the hardest when it comes to life lessons due to Saturn being your ruling planet. You probably are going through some test, and if your experiencing the same thing over again then there is something you aren't learning from it. If you don't get it the first few times usually it just gets harder for you until you finally understand your lesson and can move on from it. That's what Saturn does.
is that what it is? I didn't know the cardinal cross was going to do that.. but yeah I did have two people from my past come back..
Posted by CluelessCancer
Well he wasnt hearing my words, he was calling me for two days and ignored him (he knows why, he said he was joking, but he sent me a text that made me think red flag)...told him i was busy...
well he was like have a NICE LIFE, i wish you the BEST, i know i am bothering you, blah blah blah.
i'm like you're not bothering me, he basically told me to focus on my life....and to have the best...and GOODBYE
lol Dramatic Virgo Exit.
So then he follows up with texting me the same thing that angered me...i lol'd
then next day i didn't hear anything, so i wrote him "goodnight name" and he replies "Wrong number"

Is this the virgo you always talk about?
My ex was a scorpio with a cap moon. He is awful with expressing himself and lacked in communication skills
Did anything eclipse out of anyones life this week? since it was a lunar eclipse..
It's just a kiss.... it's not like your marrying the guy...
Posted by truecap
Posted by CrabPrincess
Posted by eight67530nine
You're all neurotic, what ever happened to being grateful for what you have and making the most of what you have in the moment. Just go with the flow, date other people, and if he comes around and you're not interested anymore then it wasn't meant to be.

I guess I'm different.. I like to focus on one person, but i guess that needs to change..

Doesn't focusing on one person before they're ready to be focused on cause you more anguish, insecurity and set you up for disappointment if it doesn't work out?
click to expand

Yeah I'm starting to realize this.. been in a 3 year relationship and then was in a 5 year relationship after that. I'm used to focusing on one person so this whole dating thing is just a learning experience right now
Posted by eight67530nine
You're all neurotic, what ever happened to being grateful for what you have and making the most of what you have in the moment. Just go with the flow, date other people, and if he comes around and you're not interested anymore then it wasn't meant to be.

I guess I'm different.. I like to focus on one person, but i guess that needs to change..
and before the other caps start yelling at me on how I only knew him for 2 months, the point is that if you really want to get to know someone you make an effort to move the relationship forwards.
Ughhh another confused Cap... I recently dealt with a Cap like this and when i wrote about my situation, all the caps said it takes time for a cap to really want to commit. The problem is i need to feel secure. I don't want to wait on something and then later down the road realize I waited for nothing. So I let the Cap go. If you feel the same way then ask him straight up where do you stand with him. Figure out whats going on and make a decision based on what he says.. but I have a feeling he's going to say "I don't know" and your gonna have to figure out wether he's worth the wait or not.
Jupiter will be in your 1st house in July which is supposed to be a very lucky for u guys. It's there for a whole year.

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No Contact
The no contact rule sucks.. but has it ever worked for anyone on here? How long did it take for your ex to contact you?
Joined: Jul 19, 2013 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 175
Relationships & Astrology
Which astrological sign do you think suffers from this the most? & have you ever dated a Peter Pan and how did you deal
Joined: Jul 19, 2013 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 175
What's the longest time you've been in shell time ? Lately I've been needing a break from a few people, but I never to
Joined: Jul 19, 2013 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 175
Relationships & Astrology
What's your take on it? Does it really indicate how someone feels about you if they don't cuddle with you afterwards?
Joined: Jul 19, 2013 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 175
Got swept away to fast to realize he was a total ****** Never Again. That is all.
Joined: Jul 19, 2013 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 175
I've been talking to this leo (I'm a cancer) and he is just to overly affectionate and compliments me every minute. Majo
Joined: Jul 19, 2013 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 175
Cancer and Leo Compatibility
So I'm finally talking to a guy who I just found out is a Leo! Just did his natal chart he has a taurus moon venus in vi
Joined: Jul 19, 2013 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 175
So I guess it would be interesting to see what career some of you cancers are in and wether your happy in it. If you don
Joined: Jul 19, 2013 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 175
I love her readings they are hilarious!
Joined: Jul 19, 2013 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 175
Any cancers feeling this way lately? I feel stuck in my life right now as in nothing is changing for me. Nothing excitin
Joined: Jul 19, 2013 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 175
Relationships & Astrology
I've been reading about this topic for sometime now and usually every story I've read about twin flames usually end bad.
Joined: Jul 19, 2013 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 175
How would you cancer men feel if a woman expressed her feelings towards you? I'm a cancer and he's a cancer also and I f
Joined: Jul 19, 2013 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 175

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