Because this is about stereotypes not reality lmao.
And life isn’t always about balance. So we wanted an actual decision, not the one we know by default people would go with.
A friend of mine are having a debate about libra men and id like to draw out the libra guys here on this forum.
Choosing between the two archetypes (we put a bunch of different scenarios together to create
Domestic, stable marriage, predictable, no excitement and occasional sex
Exciteable, highly sexual, not predictable, mainly good but some rocky arguments, feminine.
In other words a stable but boring marriage or an unpredictable marriage but passionate?
Truthfully which would you pick and why?
A friend of mine are having a debate about libra men and id like to draw out the libra guys here on this forum.
Choosing between the two archetypes (we put a bunch of different scenarios together to create
Domestic, stable marriage but predictable, no excitement and occasional sex, older woman
Exciteable, highly sexual, younger, not predictable, mainly good but some rocky arguments, feminine
Truthfully which would you pick and why?
Libras loves to be loved. Not being so is hard for them. But the rising means to me that they really want to be seen as the good guys/girls that people like. Doesn’t mean it’s false. Just means it’s what they’re trying to do/project their image out there to be. All rising signs are what we want people to think we are, so in a way, we are initially lying to each other if you follow your initial train of thought.
I’m curious what your sign is...
Well, speaking as an Aquarius woman myself I’d say this..
She likes you but you pushed too much and too often. And now you’ve been put in the freezer.
I have a lot in my chart that makes me very relationship oriented which is the opposite of most Aquarians.
But I will say that because it takes a lot for us to get in a relationship, the ending of one can effect us more than you’ll ever know.
I would suggest backing off a bit and then keeping things light. Don’t take anything personally and see how she reacts to the more detached style . I know this is hard when you like someone, but air signs, especially Aquarius, hate feeling forced or rushed.
Try this approach and she’s either going to float off or be reeled back in.
Best of luck OP! 🤗
I don’t know about the Venus in Libra but My father has a libra sun and Capricorn moon, so I’ll speak to that.
He’s a quiet person and doesn’t like to be pushed. Not sure what your sign is, but given your response, you’ve probably got one of the masculine signs (Aquarius, Aries etc). Libras are feminine signs. Taking gender equality out of the equation you have to remember those dynamics.
There was nothing wrong with what you said and I applaud you for speaking your mind. But to him, he probably felt: you didn’t need to say it, didn’t have the authority/right to say it, and he didn’t like the way you said it.
So now you’re in chopping block mode. He’s not ready to cut you off because he might view you as his potential next date, but you fucked up in his mind. Hence the cracked open door mindset.
I also will say this...friendship? 🤔 if that was the case, you wouldn’t have bothered to look up his Venus! Venus is for love. If it was a friendship thing, Mercury would be more important since that’s his thought process.
OP- you like him. And that’s totally ok. But you can’t cover those feelings in a pretend friendship.
My best advice would be to cool the energy. We can sometimes get caught up in our emotions and not realize, especially when we have a sign that’s masculine and double the case when it’s in our moon, that we are putting out “pushy” energy.
You haven’t earned the right to critique him yet. And he’s already raw coming out of a relationship with an aries.
I’d suggest backing off a bit, get back to the light heartiness for a while and keeping, unless it’s a serious violation, your more serious thoughts to yourself. He’s going through a process of the ending of a relationship. Libras don’t like to be alone and love and need relationships. So you have to keep all this in mind with timing.
Good luck OP! 🤗
Libras is one of the signs under Venus, the goddess of beauty. So beauty in all its forms, especially the human body, is extremely important to them.
I would take it for what it is. A wonderful compliment enticing you to give into his charms and sleep with him lol.
And that’s ok. You have every right to be worshipped like the goddess you are. But also keep in mind that if you’re just getting to know a libra guy, they’re going to hit you with the physical first because that’s how they, and most men are programmed. Then the more personal compliments (intelligence, kindness etc) come later as the relationship progresses.
So I personally don’t look at it as vanity. As Libras value beauty you can look at it as an extra compliment.
Good luck OP! 🤗
I think you’re asking this because deep down inside, you’re starting to like him. Just because you like someone doesn’t mean you want a serious relationship with them. Coupled with the fact that Cancers love relationships and Libras love love, I see this as possibly being a slippery slope for you.
It’s ok if you’re truly just wanting the D. But I think if you were, it wouldn’t matter to you when or how long it’s been since he’s contacted you. 3 weeks for a fwb to me, means multiple things as others have said: you’re not his only, you’re not his favorite, he’s playing while looking for his actual girlfriend etc.
I’m all for fwb. I’ve done it before and it was fantastic! But the minute you start keeping tabs is the minute you realize you might want a bit more. I encourage you to really step back and ask yourself if you’re ok with being there until he finds what he really wants.
If you are then great. Have fun and make sure you get your orgasms! If not, then maybe slow it down a bit and ask yourself do you miss the sex in your relationship or the attention?
Good luck OP! 🤗
I think it’s ok to like him but libra males are romantic by nature so you have to not take those words as seriously with them as you would with others. When they actually start moving towards a decision is when you’re really know they’re serious. It’s especially easy, when there’s distance, to really get caught up in every word. Enjoy the conversations for what they are- flirty, emotional conversations. Until you can meet in person, it’s not a sign that you should deepen your feelings. Good luck OP! 🤗
High sex drive and into kink