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CuriousCancer joined April 22, 2013



Posted by shellshocker
Posted by ScorpioFish
< width="420" height="315" ="http:

This song always reminds me of the Pisces-Cancer match versus the rest of the universe....
Cancer Ladies should think of all the fun they can have in bed with a mature Pisces guy during an entire weekend, without having the need to put on clothes or go out and do things.

this is true Big Grin I don't think it will help CuriousCancer cool her jets tho, do!
click to expand

ScorpioFish...I cant see the link, Im at work at the moment, so certain sites are blocked, I will be sure to have a look when I get home though smile
But, at the moment, I don't think anything can cool my jets smile
Thanks again smile
Posted by TaureanAries
I leave my fish in the pond and go down to visit him. As a bull I will get in the water and stand in there and he swims around me. I stand still, I don't kick around and muddy up the water or he won't be able to breath. It's easy for me to go to him...he can't climb out of the pond and I don't wish to put him in a glass bowl. I can stand in the pond and still be able to breath. Works well for us smile

Love this..I could apply the same, only Im a crab, so I can swim away with my fish in to his unknown waters from time to time...that's the exciting part!

Posted by truecap
Just curious to why you chose your user name. And yes, lots of you had had many, so elaborate on that as well.
I'll go first. I'm a typical capricorn, a true capricorn. So I chose truecap.

Because Im a crab and I see crabs being curious, the way they take a little side step, have a little nip and if they like it keep nipping haha smile
Im also curious to find out why Im so bloody attracted to a fish (pisces) haha smile
Posted by Piscesdream89
Yeah I believe she is honest about somethings and not telling me everything about the others. If I were to guess, it seems as she try's to get me to stick around until she is ready without any communication what so ever. I was just curious if this is a common Cancer trait that woman under this sign do. I will continue to not to talk to her and see what happens.

Im a cancer girl and no way am I like that smile I say what I see and I see what I say, that said, I do push people away when I have my own 'stuff' going on, not because Im being horrible, just because I don't think others need to hear my problems when they probably have their own to deal with... Im often found saying: oooh I haven't got the head space to deal with that...sounds selfish when realy its not, Ive just got a million & one other things going on and wouldn't have the right time, energy or devotion you need...sorry if Ive not explained that well, but I tried smile
Posted by Este8
Cancer & pisces is a good combo but there are lots of unhappy campers under this pairing as well. It all depends on the individuals involved. Try to cool your jets with this guy. Being too intense or too available early on will scare him away. You've got mad chemistry with this man and you hope it means you're soul mates. Truth of the matter is, we all idealize in the beginning and it takes time to know if you're really compatible. Stop thinking he's "the one." He'll pick up on that and might well swim away thinking, she doesn't even know me and she's already getting her crabby claws into me! Seriously. They're psychic and they can get spooked in the beginning if things move too fast too soon. Furthermore, pisces men can suffer from "rose glass" syndrome, put you on a pedestal and it all comes crashing down. There's just no way to know if it'll work out...with him or any other sign. You know over time. That's my point. Just try to go with the flow and not think about the future too much right now. Good luck!

Thank you Este8 smile
I'm just an intense person, apparently that's one of the things he likes about me...and I don't think he is "the one" just yet, but given time, if things carry on being this good, he could quite easily find himself being my numero uno haha! He doesn't like to talk about his feelings much, I think this is because he feels if he puts his feelings on show, he is at a greater chance of being hurt, not one fibre of me wants to hurt him...I want him to swim freely in his ocean, I also want him to know I like the water too smile He's also told me he doesn't want to put me on a pedestal, those were his words...he said he wants me, but he doesn't want to be hurt...truth of my matter is, I have never idealized before, I have always looked for and expected the worst outcome, and not given myself wholly, but with him, I feel nothing but good things, I WANT to give him my all, where as in the past, I've been slightly reluctant to do so with other partners...
Hello to the forum so be kind
Ive just started to see a Pisces male..Im a Cancer...Can anyone tell me why I am so damn attracted to him...I cant look at him sometimes, its only been 4 weeks and already I can see myself falling hook, line and sinker. The very thought of him moves me...when we are alone its so intense, I can feel the electric in the air, even when we are in company 'its' there...the way he holds me, Ive never felt safer I know its early days, but I can honestly say I feel like Ive known him forever...we get along so well, hes funny, hes cute and as I say in all my years, Ive not had anyone get under my skin like this little fish could and is doing...Ive read that Cancer and Pisces are a good match...we have spoke a little bit about feelings, like we have both agreed on how intense our feelings are for each other...he said the other night 'this is weird, how I feel about you' and he never really said anything else... he has also said he wants me, but he doesn't want to get hurt...We have both had nasty controlling I know where he is coming from, hes been hurt bad, I don't know how anyone could do that to someone as lovely as him Sad how do I re-assure him Im not like that and not all his realtionships are going to go the same way as his last one...I think I know how happy we could be and make each other, this feels right. So Im willing to buy a bigger net and catch my fish lol, however long it takes...
Ive posted this on the 'Cancer page' too
Thank you for reading this smile
Hello to the forum so be kind smile
Ive just started to see a Pisces male..Im a Cancer...Can anyone tell me why I am so damn attracted to him...I cant look at him sometimes, its only been 4 weeks and already I can see myself falling hook, line and sinker. The very thought of him moves me...when we are alone its so intense, I can feel the electric in the air, even when we are in company 'its' there...the way he holds me, Ive never felt safer smile I know its early days, but I can honestly say I feel like Ive known him forever...we get along so well, hes funny, hes cute and as I say in all my years, Ive not had anyone get under my skin like this little fish could and is doing...Ive read that Cancer and Pisces are a good match...we have spoke a little bit about feelings, like we have both agreed on how intense our feelings are for each other...he said the other night 'this is weird, how I feel about you' and he never really said anything else... he has also said he wants me, but he doesn't want to get hurt...We have both had nasty controlling I know where he is coming from, hes been hurt bad, I don't know how anyone could do that to someone as lovely as him Sad how do I re-assure him Im not like that and not all his realtionships are going to go the same way as his last one...I know how happy we could be, so Im willing to buy a bigger net and catch my fish lol, however long it takes...
Thank you for reading this smile

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