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CYAN joined June 17, 2008
"Sun in Pisces, Taurus Moon, Aqua Mercury Venus in Aries Mars in Scorio Jupiter in Libra Saturn in Aries Uranus in Libra Neptune in Scorpio"


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I am familiar with dark underwater depths. Decidedly im one of those fish that makes its own bio-luminescence. If i were to describe myself as an animal.

I was born at 1:44 AM and i can get everything i need done before 3 in the morning. Downside is the body needs to be asleep during those quite times to do repair work on organs. 3am is Liver time and im almost always awake at three no matter which side of that hour i choose to sleep on. Its good i dont drink. And probably not since it induces sleep.

I agree with OP Sunrise is WAY too loud... on a sunny day when the sun is rising. I love clouds to be there i can open my eyes and enjoy the morning air without screeching bright light.
Thanks Aqua mermaid. Congrats on your Scorpio union. the other fixed sign. so much intensity and passion. love it for you.

So glad to hear you speak your logic about this topic. the longer the men have stuck around the more they became my "friends" but there is a difference between Aqua men and the others. I dont know why Aquas place such value on "friends". For other men its not so... sacred. My husband insists on calling me his best friend and from my past best friend experiences i would not consider him to be my best friend. He is my mate. He would be like the king while the best friend might be a rook.

I cherish connections with people as well, and while i become easily attached as a Pisces its not always a strong connection. The strong connection feels like ive always known the person and always will. Its difficult when there is a breakup there. if i were to see my last boyfriend/strong connection im cerain id feel that old familiar cosmic pull. if you and your best friend dated im glad it ended amicably. But why did you not cultivate it ? what turned you off from that prospect?

another thing that is true is that and aquas first love will be their last or that person will NEVER be forgotten if they left him. Because it would not be the other way around. this is why Aquas are special. I love it when rules fly out the window. Not just aquamen but aqua influence men may value friendship with women more. Perhaps they see women as superior to men because they are usually very in touch with their feminine side. sex drives men but Aquas have an override mechanism. Ive seen it in action. I wont go around saying men and women can be friends unless the guy is an Aqua but i think i actually believe that now.

The extra marital lover i had was an aqua. I thought that if we became friends that would be devastating to his family. I had to keep it JUST sexual. I swear im not making this up. It was a conscious decision. After having done this of course i resent my own actions but know they were very ultimately for the best BUT he was one of the strong connection peeps we speak of. this is why i struggled with it and do a little still because i see him around.

Meh, what can you do? I dont place value on friendships as much as i place on intimates. Its the Pisces way i guess. Cursed martyrs. ( ;

Hello peeps!
I see not much activity on the board. Its been a while. I come around once in a while and see these poor women getting beat down by their own sex. Sad. Men are enough of a challenge. I just wanted to speak my mind to whoever will listen. Dont see some Regulars like Aquanoz. Years ago i dated a married Aqua while being married to an Aqua. Still married to Aqua and i still see married man but only because we live in same town. I barely survived my own emotions, but have learned so much! When i see another cheating man i ask him what he thinks a woman of any kind feels when she has to be a dirty secret? Never mind the wife. Marriage is nothing but a contract. People are who they are and women know the kind of man they marry. Any indignation seems ridiculous. Picking sides is even more ridiculous.

Being married to an Aqua (3 years) has been and is a very satisfying experience. If you can wrangle one and can handle their ways of showing love, which is sublime and highly satisfying on a mental and even spiritual plane. As i Pisces who craves affection i have to do with his universal adoration for me and since it is so true and so arduous i can just float away in a cloud blanket of love. I love my Aquas. I hope if you ladies who pine after them learn to discipline yourself to stand the test of time and the legendary endurance it takes to deal with this kind of man... The love they will end up giving you will be highly satisfying.

Men are men. They will take what you give em. I dont believe in female male friendships and fwb is no different. Men and women cant just be friends otherwise married people would be hanging with the opposite sex on a regular basis. Dont fool yourself ladies. I had many male "friends" as an attractive woman. Still do but I see that men stop calling when the potential is gone or can never exist. There always needs to be that possibility no matter what for them. FWB. is okay as long as your his only FWB. Im mean really.

anyone disagree with that? Im sure this topic has already been discussed. "Men and women cant be friends"

Just wanted to say ive survived. Nothing ended badly and no one got hurt. You cant help who you love but you can live by your code. Dont be of two minds. you cant split yourself pretending IT doesnt hurt. Women are not wired like men. Speak up eloquently while you can or lose your chance at real bonding. happy Independence.
Posted by krysrenee7
Yes we can be a bit flaky & sometimes so into our own world, that we forget to acknowledge how our actions or free spirit affects others or is being interpreted in a negative way by others
But that's why it's so important to speak up when we get like that!
Everyone initially gets defensive when they are being criticized! BUT if a person truly cares about you AND if the way you speak up is in a calm, non-argumentative tone, her feelings of respect/love for you will make it so that she puts in the effort to NOT do that to you again
But if you keep avoiding "the talk," she will keep doing it. Then the second you finally do speak up, you'll probably be so mad & explosive b/c you held everything in. And the 1st game of psychology she'll play on you is to make you feel bad for going ham over something so small
And her guilting you in that moment will actually work b/c although you weren't wrong for your initial feelings of disappointment, the way you went about expressing it was wrong!

Well that about sums it all up now. I am avoiding the talk. Just need to distance myself enough to let those residual emotions ( oh yea, the suppression has little steam vents)die. Once that is all gone away i can speak clearly. Thats how i try to do everything now.I just need time. Luckily Aquas seem to have all the time in the world.
Feb16 you are more like how she thinks. And i can see it that way for sure. It was really more her manner. What she said just came out pissy. i think therein lies the the true problem with respect. Its understandable to not want to draw attention but she was also in retaliation mode.
I like that i can think things out here. Not sure exactly how im going correct this imbalance. I sure would like to see her be vulnerable for once. I just cant do much correcting on her. There simply is just her way. She is usually right about so many things that even when i feel and even know I have a good point or lord forbid, right, i will still be second guessing myself. Aqua just trumps the Pisces if the Pisces gives in.
Yea Truecap as great as her logic sounds and she is right in a very philosophical way, it just did not sit well with me. Honestly i think she is going through pre menopause. She just gets grumpier and she isnt involved with anyone. But i hide those such sentiments from Aquas or Leos or any fixed sign, there is just no way you want to insult them unless you say it offhandedly as a stranger. I just dont want to get on their bad side. I HAVE done it in the past because i am a bullhead Taurus moon but im going max myself out on my mutability and deem trying to change their superiority unworthy. Shes a bit of a bully, an intellectual bully. I love her and she loves people hard but she has lost a few friends along the way that i know of because she is a bit harsh i suppose. I like her strength but I agree with the Cap integrity. That earthy wisdom just calls to me.
Ceu, i suppress feeling... that is correct. That is how i operate these days. "Feelings" that cut to the bone, have almost destroyed me in the past. I hold back and try not to judge and try not to let it be personal, all about me . All i can do is just watch it all unfold and hold back. If i strike though its going to have to be clean because as you can see by my writing things can get messy. I do feel different about different things on different days as well.
Im not dismissive about anything sexual. If i were sexually attracted to her id be sexual with her. There is a dynamic, i am a passive person and she is dominant but there is nothing between us other than friendship. Im too hetero. She on the other hand is probably very lezbo according to our mutual gay guy friend who i think is incredibly perceptive. The only thing dismissive is that i dont even want to think about her sexual preferences. Im not interested.
Sometimes when something really bad happens im not able to talk about it at all for a month or years. on the other hand,when i feel that something heavy is pointless in sharing its because the pain is so deep that its better expressed in other ways or repressed. Talking it through may just sound trite. I have talked though many things but it doesnt alleviate pain. True understanding alleviates pain and im not sure I arrive at understanding so quickly. I dont know if Pisces are gluttons for pain. And February is a heavy month. The Feb. Pisces i know are troubled and gloomy. But we are masters of disguise. We can even act tough but you can see right through that.
Ive become an emotional coward. Im a bit afraid of the power of my emotions so to me not having overt emotions is healthy. Aquas are minimal with emotions, I think it helps your mom greatly that you are collected. Emotions fuel things that dont need to be fueled. Sometimes i think most emotions are a waist of time better spent elsewhere.
A-noz. The clarity thing is the best remedy without delving too far. I will use it to bring awareness of what meeting someone means. ( ;
Ceu believes im looking at it from a "closer" level. I dont know about the whole romantic part although i will say since she is more like a man than girly, i was attracted to her character and strength. So i suppose there has always been that lezbo vibe ( ". I dont feel anything about it. I think if I did it would not make any sense given her ability to discern what is inconsiderate. I think ill brush it off but im curious as to how others would perceive it. Its not common when someone tells you its your problem for expecting something. I find it a bit comical that she is serious but i will retain that it does not rub me so well and it makes her seem somewhat unpleasant to me...But friends can be sometimes and I think ive learned to not "expect" things. As usual with Aquas there is always something to learn.
I really dont know how i feel. This is why im here asking how i should feel. She is a good friend who is always straight up with me. She gives herself so much liberty. Do i want to be this way? I really just want reactions from people putting themselves on the receiving end. Everyone's got preconceptions about how people should behave. I myself am against preconceptions which is why im not actually hurt by this behavior although i felt disrespected. I expected to be respected. But this isnt a guy who plays games for kicks. She has never been disrespectful to me. on the contrary she has been very thoughtful.
My Aqua girlfriend told me to meet her at the movies at a time she designated. I get there early and wait. The designated time passes and 15 minutes later the movie is starting. I get no call or text. I text her that im going into the theater, still no text. 15 minutes after the trailer starts she comes into the theater and does not bother to look for me for more than a few seconds and takes a seat on one of the bottom rows. I asked her what happened and was she okay. She said she was okay but was perturbed by having to tell me that the reason she was late was because she meandered a little going to store and getting some water and took her a while to saunter out of house. She doesn't care for trailers either.

So i am thinking, call me crazy but it would have been nice to send me a little text letting me know she wasnt going to meet me at the time she herself set up. Then she gets even more perturbed and says that i had EXPECTATIONS about how things were going to go and how things were going to happen and that i probably spent my whole time wondering instead of just....I dont know... reading a book or playing a video game or occupying myself otherwise.
She has always laid some serious logic upon my crazy emotional self but I thought this was new. I thought it was borderline rude but in the back of my head it almost made sense. I did have a way i thought things were going to go but to expect anything from anyone can be stiffing. At least that is my take on how Aqua see it.
I need an opinion here because no matter what i say her behavior is natural to her and may not even see it as a sign of disrespect. My verdict is still somewhat out.

I am asking how someone would react if their friends did or said the same thing to them... And what you would say in return perhaps?? I mean i am so used to people simply apologizing for being late or telling me a crazy thing that happened to them on the way.... And somehow it feels as though i have acted inappropriately. Any opinion is welcome.
As a Pisces I am the opposite. My Spanish background makes me twice as emotional. I always get hurt by people no matter what, it could be the smallest thing ... it could take me days to recover from something mean a friend said to me.
My entire family is leo. Talk about Drama! Over the past 10 years ive surrounded myself with Aquas and have seen how deeply they feel and I am not bothered in the least about how much feeling they do or dont display i think Aquas deal with emotion in a healthy way. I find it quite unhealthy to get so upset, to get sooo sad so often. To me emotions mean disquiet because i tend to dwell on them. Not because i cant or can let them out.

It took me a while to see just how much Aquas truly love and feel. I think they ARE emotional. They just know how to temper their thoughts. A little crying is good. Beyond that, forget it. Its plain bad for your immune system. It has NOTHING to do with showing weakness. I want to stop feeling so apologetic for my emotional nature. I so often have to keep myself cool when im just devastated inside. It doesnt feel good. So if you hardly ever cry then crying a river may do you some good. It IS a balance. Best thing to do is not challenge your feelings whatever they may be.
Sometimes when i feel like crying and its a real bad time i allow myself the right to cry and then the need to cry stops before it begins, like magic. I ponder this phenomena. It takes just a moment to step back and give myself room. Crying is a claustrophobic emotion for me.
Not showing emotion is not a sign that you dont care it just means you are conservative with superfluous gesture. Conservation is wise.

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Joined: Jun 17, 2008 · Topics: 9 · Posts: 84
Hello peeps! I see not much activity on the board. Its been a while. I come around once in a while and see these po
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