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DarknessDoll joined October 24, 2017


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He is projecting how he treated you onto you- and making you be the blame for it to manipulate you. There’s nothing to misread. He told you when sober his thoughts. He got drunk and tried to take advantage of the feelings you may have for him. So essentially he respects you enough to be your friend. He doesn’t want to sleep with you to ruin that. But if you are okay with a friends with benefit relationship he would go for it.
He sounds like he rushed into something he thought he wanted and now he’s trying to figure out if it’s what he really wanted. If his connection to you is so strong then you have nothing to worry about. Just don’t be his doormat waiting there for any crumb. Live a full beautiful life.
It sounds like you betrayed two people and you are just concerned about your wants instead of being remorseful to both women who trusted you with their feelings. You still don't see the whole picture and you are still making everything about you.
Show up with a homemade dinner for two.
I don't believe in calling people crazy unless they are clinically diagnosed and on medicine. Whenever someone labels someone crazy- I always think well what did they do to them to make them act that way?

BUT Crazy chick or not- your ex or not- if he's not claiming you as his- through everything- then it's just sex. It's like a salesman were to come to your house and say I'm selling steak would you like to buy some? You say no. My friend used to buy from you and I'm loyal to her. But he kept coming selling the same steak. One day he offered it to you for nothing (you have to put no work in) and you were hungry- so you ate it.

I would be careful with him regardless because he doesn't seem to follow even his own moral code. He won't be in a relationship with you on the premise of your ex.... but he'll sleep with you as long as your ex doesn't find out? Think about what a life with that kind of person would be for you.
Like the sun rises and sets with you.
You hit a low. You're hurting and I'm sorry for this. But it's what we choose to do at our low moments that define the people we are. This man was an important part of your life- whether or not it was reciprocated. Nobody can take that from you and you need time to heal. But he was ONE part of your life. And you need to heal because You are someone's child. You may be someone's sibling. You are someone's friend. Those are really important roles. And you are loved dearly by a lot of other people. So cry, get it out- BUT get up every day- put your lipstick on- get out there and Build you. Because YOU deserve to be happy and to have all the people who love you in your life. And YOU deserve to enjoy the blessing of life that you have. Lots of people are fighting for theirs. So get that lipstick on- and keep going! Sending lots of prayers and warm wishes your way ❤️

It May be that he actually has legitimate feelings. Or it may be that he is enjoying tormenting you and trying to get an ego boost that you're entertaining his efforts. I'd ignore him. If he shows up with a ring- then you know he's serious and he realizes he loves you. But I would be careful- because a man who leaves a woman once can leave again.
He honestly seems like a coward- and you are the one suffering for that. Libras are the best people- find someone who will want to claim you.
He told you that you are friends. He's not reaching out- yet you're going to his house and he is affectionate. Because if he plays his cards right you will give him sex. But if he was really in love with you he would pick you because he would want something real. You are a friend with benefits and he let himself off the hook so he can date others and you can date others. If you keep going back it shows you are okay with a friend with benefits. He already decided it's not worth it to him to lose his friendship.
Well- I think it was an out. Because you are already married. So what kind of future prospect do you bring to him? He likely manipulated the situation to make it seem like it was your fault- to shift guilt off of him for taking advantage of the situation. But I wouldn't get too hung up on it because you need to look at things objectively. You asked to not have your feelings dismissed. To communicate with someone you were in a relationship with. That's normal. Someone not talking to you because a relationship got "hard" is not. He played the situation for his benefit- and when he was done with it- acted like a jerk- to which you tried to converse and he "blamed you." Step outside yourself and look at the whole thing objectively- and try to heal.
Thank you all for your words of encouragement. I thought maybe I was missing something and this was a cancerian male trait. Cancer or not- he is just a bad person for my life and it's so evident- even though it hurts more. Blessings and peace to all

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My ex -cancer sun cancer moon cancer mercury Venus Gemini showed up to my parents wake. Had not seen him in months and he had broken up a 4 year relationship over email. I loved him and always thought we would work things out. We kept in touch and he woul
Joined: Oct 24, 2017 · Topics: 1 · Posts: 14

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