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DepthAndDeath joined March 15, 2017
Path Two


Can't stand my current username no more.
I'll change it soon.
Lol such a rewind! I love RWJ
And his vid from the past mysteriously shoved into my home youtube acc

What? It's a holiday here. I can do whatever I want!

And I was just kidding about you being Duncan.

Who says it has something to do with other people? This phone acts like a mirror of what I say, that's why I used "you" coz I'm the one reading it. And other people too if they want to.
Lol there's no one to report yet, Duncan Tongue
You may be utterly stupid in your past. But understand that humiliation has humbled you.
You don't have to let your mistakes define you, especially when you know that change is perpetual.
Let all those men think of you and be regretful for losing you.

For you know your true value. You know your capacity to give.

And best believe, you will find that special someone with whom you can devote yourself to and with no slightest remorse against all odds.
Great music and fascinating video to watch.

After a leo boy got bored with his lessons, he started to nag me into building a house from alphabet sponge map. Then after a while..

Me: "I don't want to build this house.. (whine)"
Him: "Come on! Do this with me!"
Me: "But why?"
Him: "Because friends. Duh."
Me: "Am I your friend?"
Him: "No."

Straight Face
".. There was nothing in my past, or in my childhood, to talk about, and no love or anything of sort in the present. If I had something to say, therefore it could only concern the future. For the future is still mine to paint in the colours I desired. Still mine to decide about freely, and change as I saw fit.." ~ Woman at Point Zero - Nawal El Saadawi

Giddy giddy giddy!

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Posted by Oranamaya
Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by Oranamaya
I just created my account yesterday and created a topic...but no one replied to it...I hid the topic slightly heartbroken...then read new users might be invisible for some time. So how long before I can post? What exactly do I have to do in the mean time. Any help is welcome. Thank you smile
You can unhide your topic and bump it for us to read...
Sorry for sounding dumb... but what is bump it up? Unhide I and thanks smile
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Type "bump" in your thread to make it brought back to the top of the wall on the front page wall again. So people can still keep see your thread.
Posted by UnderFire
Posted by DepthAndDeath
sup soul mate.

How's life?
Life's pretty much awesome.

How's yours?

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It's alright. Need to get out more tho.
sup soul mate.

How's life?
@Scruffles. New username is a no go. my posts with that username can't be seen and has some weirdness goin on.

Can I be an ass and ask you to replace back my username tag?

It seems I'm cursed to this username now. Sigh.

~never act on your emotions
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge
Posted by DepthAndDeath
Uvd. For the future. Just write an email but send them to your other email. Or your trusted female friend.

I did it before. Felt stupid after. Sometimes these feelings should just be remained hidden at proper time.

I don't think this is a proper time there for you to be sending that mail now, isn't it?

It's kay. I mean. I understand. I dunno about you but I know how obsessive and chronic my feelings are and yes it may sound like a good way to get it out of your system. But it isn't the best solution, imo.
Too late

I sent it

But I understand what you're saying
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Imagine where you want to be in the future, UVD. The positive ones, of course. Then find ways to get there.

Cheesy af but it's very likely to be a great solution.

Trust me. I'm saying all this to myself as well.
Uvd. For the future. Just write an email but send them to your other email. Or your trusted female friend.

I did it before. Felt stupid after. Sometimes these feelings should just be remained hidden at proper time.

I don't think this is a proper time there for you to be sending that mail now, isn't it?

It's kay. I mean. I understand. I dunno about you but I know how obsessive and chronic my feelings are and yes it may sound like a good way to get it out of your system. But it isn't the best solution, imo.
Question: "How can I best handle this situation?"

User Submitted Image

Page of swords (situation): "Yep. As clear as day. As sharp as the sword. What could be better than this?"

Eight of swords (love and I): "Bish! Start movin'!!! The feck you're waiting for. Best bet you'll bump to a tree or a rock and you may free your hand cuffs by grinding it ~yeah you may cut your wrists while doing so~ but hell it is worth the fight. It is way better than to just stand there not doing no shiattt! Just stop being a coward and take the step, ffs!"

Four of swords (challenge): "Yeah. All you want is to just rest, but life goes on. So maybe take a rain check on that. You have Sunday and Monday all for yourself. So in the mean time, just keep life goin. You cannot simply stop your life over this! How silly is that?!"

Conclusion: Period.

Any comments you can come up with, guys?

Posted by bricklemark
I'm all out, l've done all mine, l've done my family' friends, so if you want me to do yours just ask.
Can I have it?

I know it's joke. But I'm willing to take this in serious manner.

We'll win.

Why? Coz astro-battle means no shit when we're so used to keeping our placements, houses (stories) and aspects alive in our honest stories.

Be it mundane, crazy, deep, heart-warming, trolly jollies, excessive roasting, arguments and everything in between. These stories are what they have been only talking about.

We don't talk about it let alone battle on it. We live it all.

Why get intimidated?Laughing

*plus, dxp has got better layout.
I was going to say sumthin here. But then you aim this for non-heterosexuals.

Sigh. I can't talk about myself here. ?
Posted by starwars
Posted by Sunsetvirgo
Posted by starwars
do u mean weakness like you cant help but put up with their bs or weakness that they make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside

no one makes me cry
Hmmm I wanna say both ? Either or homie
for some weird reasons I like scorpios and cancers, scorpios are actually my ride or die they dont bother me one bit, always there hence i feel warm around scorpios, cancers are drama queens and like to whine, both signs can be dramatic and im always like ok be dramatic. cancers are huge givers and would do anything for me even tho they dont understand me cause we almost opposites. same thing with me. I love cancers and can be mushy around them cause bishes like mushy stuff

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I know this isn't specifically meant for me. That doesn't do anything to stop from blushing.

Virgo, you know you want meh. Smug



This thread is so boring it numbs my mind and annihilate my soul.

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