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DieselCancer joined December 20, 2006
"Your Planets & Houses Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0 Sun Cancer 17.10 Ascendant Leo 27.23 Moon Scorpio 12.08 II Virgo 20.03 Mercury Leo 3.02 R III Libra 17.55 Venus Leo 11.10 IV Scor
"Your Planets & Houses Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0 Sun Cancer 17.10 Ascendant Leo 27.23 Moon Scorpio 12.08 II Virgo 20.03 Mercury Leo 3.02 R III Libra 17.55 Venus Leo 11.10 IV Scorpio 21.00 Mars Aries 11.50 V Sagittarius 26.16 Jupiter Aquarius 9.47 R VI Capricorn 28.59 Saturn Gemini 27.13 VII Aquarius 27.23 Uranus Libra 18.59 VIII Pisces 20.03 Neptune Sagittarius 5.02 R IX Aries 17.55 Pluto Libra 1.54 Midheaven Taurus 21.00 Lilith Sagittarius 25.52 XI Gemini 26.16 Asc node Capricorn 7.44 XII Cancer 28.59 The Second Decan of Cancer is also known as the Scorpio Decante and the ""Week of the Unconventional."" The influence of Pluto, one of the secondary planets governing this Decan, can induce some interesting differences but chiefly adds more willpower to natives of this Decan, resulting in individuals who can persist long enough to fully realize the benefits and rewards of a personal goal. Pluto also provides a secretive and psychic personality. This Second Decan is certainly not as prone to the ""rolling stone"" syndrome as is the First as is the First Decan of Cancer. These subjects, ruled as they are by the Moon (primary governing planet of this Decan) may be somewhat overly-secretive, regarded by those around them as rather mysterious...difficult to get to know or even understand. This does not mean that such individuals are too complex, but rather that they cover up or hide so much of themselves that, on occasion, they may frustrate others who would like to know more in order to feel closer. Given that this native may well be above the average in terms of sex appeal, then there certainly will be those who would like to know this character immediately. While Second Decan Cancer individuals are tenacious, they need to be careful not to overdo this quality to the point that they are perceived as unyielding, stubborn or bull-headed. This Second Decan is one of mutually-shared benefits and responsbilities, indicative of markedly financial gain and otherwise, assuming care is taken in forming unions and/or making agreements. There is a fondness here for investigation and finding out what makes everything and everyone ""tick,"" which can be a valuable asset if the chosen profession requires research or discovery. However, if this inclination is pursued too far...particularly in personal could backfire and cause a negative reaction from those who may well perceive this to be prying. There is a bold and willful manner associated with the indecision displayed by Second Decan individuals. When action is taken, these natives are determined, but have a tendency to become stubborn on other points. They are also forceful when met with opposition and hasty actions frequently lead to spells of gloominess. Thus, those who fall within the jurisdiction of this Decan should curb the quick impulses fostered by Mercury (another secondary governing planet of this Decan). The strengthening influence of Mars (the third secondary planet governing this Decan) needs to be combined with the skill of Mercury in order for these natives to counter-balance the wavering moods inherent in the character of the Moon. These subjects are strong Cancer individuals but the associated temperament may lean in favor of being dictatorial and domineering. Blessed with tremendous energy, there is a strong inclination to gravitate toward the limelight and money is representative of security and power to the Second Decan Cancer. These subjects will foster a number of undisclosed secrets and may have trouble in letting down their guard, being reluctant to trust others. Psychic awareness is very apparent and those ruled by this Decan adore mysteries...particularly those which are associated with real life. There is a great tendency for these individuals to emit a seductive aura, but it comes naturally to the character. When Second Decan natives are able to rule their passions, then they excel. However, when the passions themselves rule, then the individual is likely to become manipulative and possessive. The motto of the Second Decan of Cancer is ""Revelation."""





