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Dreamari joined August 02, 2013


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Ahh great... But it should mean something. Whenever I see dreams that affect me so much something always happens
Ok last night I saw quiet a weird and terrifying dream. I saw I was pregnant, lying on my bed at my house and giving birth. I was alone in the room and then my heart just stopped and I died. At that point I saw myself walking into the room and then rushing towards the other me lying dead on the bed. I started screaming for my parents, my friends and my boyfriend to do something and save me but they kept sitting in another room, without speaking or doing anything like lifeless dolls. I then rushed back into my room and tried to revive myself but nothing would work, then I woke up. What does it mean? I am seventen years old by the way.
First of all thanks to everyone for the advice. I trully appreciated it. I am calmer now, no tears no anger, just... I don't know. I talked to him last night. He texted me a little before midnight. I asked him with who he had decided to hang out with and he hesitated to answer and then game me a simple "I was out with my parents" answer. He then changed the sunject immediately.
Despite being a pisces (and emotional one) I always have control of my feelings, especially in front of others (I've got a Taurus horoscope). That's why I never cause drama in our relationship and when I don't feel right I always tell him and we talk it through, no drama, no shouts, not anything. Idon't know what got to me tonight. I'm just sad and quiet insecure, yes, but only because he was with his ex for two and a half years and it was so hard to get over her on the first place.
I didn't freak out while talking to him before he went out. I just said ok let's talk whenever you return, no problem with me. Then the ex idea came to my mind cause we trully went trhough a lot of drama over it during the past year. He was crying for the relationship he ended with her and I was silently crying because of how much it pained me to love him and not be anle to tell him. About a month before we got together ion summer his ex asked for them to become a couple once more but he denied. I just... don't know...
I(pisces) and my boyfriend(taurus) have been together for almost 4 months now and our relationship has been great so far. He used to be my best guy friend up until he confessed to me. I helped him through a lot the past year, I was always there when he wanted a shoulder to lean on and I loved him silently, while he kept loving his ex. When he got over her, as he told me he reallized ge loved me all along and that he was just stuck in the memory of his last relationship. Now he tells me that what he felt for his ex was nothing but childish feelings and that I was the one who thaught him what love trully means and that he has never felt something so strong for any of his exes. Anyway he texted me an hour or so ago and told me that he is going out for the night and that he will text me once he returns to his house. I asked him if he was going to hang out with his buddies and said no, someone else, and that he will tell me later. I believe he is going to meet his ex as he was acting kind of weird since the afternoon. His cousin, who comes to our town every weekend or so is best friends with his ex and she sometimes comes too, that's why I think he is going to meet her. I can't stop crying, thinking that he might reallize he still has feelings for her and that I was just someone he tried to forget her with. I don't know what to do. We are 18 by the way. plz give me some advice...
I(pisces) and my boyfriend(taurus) have been together for almost 4 months now and our relationship has been great so far. He used to be my best guy friend up until he cinfessed to me. I helped him through a lot the past year, I was always there when he wanted a shoulder to lean on and I loved him silently, while he kept loving his ex. When he got over her, as he told me he reallized ge loved me all along and that he was just stuck in the memory of his last relationship. Now he tells me that what he felt for his ex was nothing but childish feelings and that I was the one who thaught him what love trully means and that he has never felt something so strong for any of his exes. Anyway he texted me an hour or so ago and told me that he is going out for the night and that he will text me once he returns to his house. I asked him if he was going to hang out with his buddies and said no, someone else, and that he will tell me later. I believe he is going to meet his ex as he was acting kind of weird since the afternoon. His cousin, who comes to our town every weekend or so is best friends with his ex and she sometimes comes too, that's why I think he is going to meet her. I can't stop crying, thinking that he might reallize he still has feelings for her and that I was just someone he tried to forget her with. I don't know what to do. We are 18 by the way. plz give me some advice...
Well, I think my boyfriend would agree with you
My boyfriend was my best guy friend for almost ten months, up until this week when he confessed to me and I told him I liked him too. Anyway we decided to be in a relationship a few days ago. And he has already called me 'baby', 'love', and he has told me he loves me and that he must have fallen hard for me cause he thinks of me all the time and as time passes he loves me even more. That all makes me feel uneasy though. The change from best buddies to boyfriend and girlfriend is quiet weird on its own and I just can't understand how he can say I love you when he said that he has started liking me for about a month now. I'm a pisces girl and very romantic and all but I am afraid to fall in love or express my self to my Taurus boyfriend. What keeps holding me from opening up to him is also the fact that in June he kept saying how he just couldn't get over his ex and that he still loved her. I don;t want to be a subsitute of his ex but I also have feelings for him. What should I do? Is there something wrong with me? This is my first relationship by the way and I am 18.
Oh, by the way, I almost always bang heads with Geminis. All of those I knew, I just couldn;t stand them.
I told him I want to be with him tonight. We talked on the phone. And he called me baby and that he loves me. This feels all too strange for me. Will I ever get used to it?

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