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Dreamweaver23 joined January 08, 2009
38 years old male from Japan
"My real name is Cole, Im a 23 yr old Pisces currently living in Okinawa."


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Why invest the emotions and energy to hold grudges? While you are busy 'grudging' they are busy laughing. Do yourself a favor and let things go, and go about your merry way. If someone did something to you that merits a grudge, let it go and keep truckin'. To take the maturity down a notch, indifference hurts far worse than any grudge you can hold over someone. Life is short, live it.
Im not gonna lie, we all get down, but you sound sorry. Do yourself a favor and grab your cojones man and go about your buisness.
Good luck Chairforce! Army here, Im messing with you tho, if you ever end up in Okinawa, I will take you out and show you the sights.GL
I can only speak from my experience, but I would say in regards to your mother, to hell with her... The bottom line is, for any situation, the world will not stop for you, the world will not take pity upon you. Take the cards you were dealt with and play them, stand in defiance of all adversity(Personal relationships included) and flip the bird. Remember this, the weak falter and the strong overcome, make your choice on what you are going to do, and yes sweetpea, this is a choice.
Its possible, what really isnt? Judging sheerly off compatability, no. I would however hope that this wouldnt prevent you from giving it a go.
Why do you keep asking the same question like every month? Unless Im retarded and someone keeps bumping the post. Strong could be too strong, too weak is never good, it takes a balance to tolerate your A typical fish.
Not a bad way to keep your emotions in check
Pretty cheesy lol, if he cupped your face and maybe kissed you, but 'Im into you' lulz
NO! Your relationship is bound to fail, quit while you are ahead! Dumb quesions merit dumb responses.
Say no and to fk off? How is this hard?
Sounds like you need to a tattoo shop asap then PP smile.
Since Pisces seemed to be so artistically inclined, was wondering how many of you have tattos? Me, I have 8 and Im not done yet.

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They interest me, makes me want to know what turns the wheels for these lovely gals.
Joined: Jan 08, 2009 · Topics: 14 · Posts: 104
Since Pisces seemed to be so artistically inclined, was wondering how many of you have tattos? Me, I have 8 and Im not d
Joined: Jan 08, 2009 · Topics: 14 · Posts: 104
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Relationships & Astrology
10 Signs shes Ms. Right. -Shes not clingy and needy. You have the space to go out and do things w/ your freinds witho
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Joined: Jan 08, 2009 · Topics: 14 · Posts: 104
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Joined: Jan 08, 2009 · Topics: 14 · Posts: 104
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