Im an ENFP. I have taken tests more than once that seemed to indicate other personality types (INFP comes to mind), but I think I picked answers to match what I believed was true, rather than what was objectively true. After many years I can read the various types and my best match is ENFP. I simply mistook my Virgo ideal of working behind the scenes, and my desire to kind of get away from it all to recuperate from a long week to be the same as being introverted... not the same thing.
I would look to the lord of the 10th house, and also where Mercury is and the planet making the closest aspect to it. Mercury is neutral and is very affected by any aspecting planet, but the closer the aspect is, the more influence they give to it, and consequently the area of life it turns the mind toward. I have Mercury conjunct the Ascendant on the daylight side of things. Saturn makes the closest aspect (in opposition), but the Sun is close by (combust). Gemini is on my 10th house cusp. Jupiter trine Saturn is my tightest aspect (exact) and consequently with all this... I love the law. I could also probably do well in writing in general -- publishing or editing perhaps. My occupations for almost 20 years involved handling money in various ways, which made good use of my hands (Gemini), but poor use of my mental skills.
I do like to "people (more like one person) watch" from time to time. Someone with really nice looks out there catches my interest and I just can't help but look. I do not always want a new relationship though; sometimes I just like looking at someone beautiful or interesting. That could be another facet to wrinkle things, and also why someone catching the stare gets ignored. The ignoring may be a passive, non-confrontational signal that the best relationship is from a distance.
If someone I was that interested in (combined with desire to know them better) came over to strike up a conversation, there would be no turning back and conversation would go non-stop until I knew so much more. There might be a bit of awkwardness at being caught "staring", but would I let that stop me from getting to know someone better? Never. Virgos are naturally social creatures. Not really initiators of discourse, but more than willing to "give and go" once it's been started by another.
I agree that honesty can be a good thing.. mostly because a Virgo is going to take some time to analyze what you really mean when you say something. Words are said for a reason, and it's rare for a Virgo to ignore the hidden meaning in what words were used, tone of voice, time of day, what he was doing just prior to the utterance, past evaluations made of the speech of said speaker, etc., but if he senses that you mean what you literally say, it makes things nice and easy.
Virgos gather data, same as Gemini, but with a difference. I was reading recently about something that sort of fits this difference. I was looking up Roman numerals. Ever try and do math with them? Possible, but not easy. That's becuase what they needed numbers for was quite different from the rest of the math world. Romans went all in for what is called Applied Math. If it doesn't help build something, or have something to do with accounting, then it's not for us. Virgos can relate similarly. Theories are nice, but ultimately, how does it help me understand the paradigm of (insert real world function here)?
VERY IMPORTANT: Your giving him info to help him understand you is good, but just letting him make a bunch of decisions is NOT good at all. Virgos may like to imagine running the world, but give them the throne and they'll pick someone else to sit on it, even when they're the best person for the job.
Another spin on Virgo data assimilation is like watching election results on CNN with 3 percent of the districts reporting. A lot of talking is going on, but you know it's not going to mean much until you get a whole lot more information. But what if you never got that much? It would be constant reevaluation ad nauseum. That's Virgo mentality. No amount of info is enough to clap your hands together, say "glad that's done", and walk away. Maybe enough to begin heading in a given direction, but just not enough to stop all further thought on the subject. It can be frustrating for others to realize after the group is already on the yellow brick road to Oz that the Virgo is still running through things to see if another way is "better", but that's a Virgo for ya.
Hope that helped some.
**How DO Virgos show their appreciation????** Part 2
You say you are pretty, he was probably excited about the possibility of being the right guy, but he saw how much he had to lose and got caught up in it. I wouldn't worry about him though, most people go through all this.. in high school. He probably didn't. "The 40 year old Virgin" was likely based on a Virgo. Not that we are shy or prudish.. dating probably wasn't a priority back then. Think about it. Relationships are a LOT of work when you're a teenager. If you know you're likely to be getting into a heavy load of work (Virgos know work when they see it!) when so much else is going on, putting the process off until later on may seem like a great idea. This is one reason why capri may see them as immature... Virgos at times just get started late. Virgos do make up for lost time though very quickly. You may see a whole different Virgo in a few years when he finally catches up to where the rest of the world is. If you do see some things that need changing, talk about it. Say what you need from them, and be frank about it. They will let you know if it's doable. If it is, that just gives them another thing to do to show how much they care. I have only failed one time in 10 years to put the toilet seat back down. The little things are everything.
**How DO Virgos show their appreciation????**
By doing things for you... like pick you up from the airport. Basic stuff. Nothing flashy. Just by being there to do the little things. Try, try, try not to make the job something like paying a bill... that can be easy, but leads to awful thoughts of being only a piggybank. MsA has it right... Virgos want to be needed.. not merely wanted... needed. Don't expect a lot of gushy emotional displays except at the beginning. Sooner or later most Virgos hit a rhythm and the emotional displays fade away. This doesn't mean the love isn't there. As long as the Virgo is still willing to do things for you, it's love. To question their love when the things are "being done" means you don't see the things he does because of love. You want to know how to get to that Virgo? Ask him to do something for you. You seem pretty self sufficient.. that is hard for a Virgo. You leave them with no way in. Act the damsel in distress every now and again and watch the Virgo charge in to save the day.
A quick bit about the phone. Yes, the phone is a lovely medium for communication, but you miss those lovely non-verbal parts! Actual visual reactions to how you are feeling in real time! Yes, he loved talking to you every day.. he got to think he had something very intimate going on, but nothing beats being face to face. Virgos are nothing if not pragmatic. If to be with you has to be over the phone, then the phone it is! If he stopped using the phone and text.... either the phone bill didn't get paid, his hands were broken, coma, or it's over. Silence is preferable to the harshness of a formal breakup, but that's not unique to Virgos. In a way, it saved a future possibility.
Another thing is emotions. If he was too wound up over you, it would drive him bananas. He might have taken your putting off sex for the future not only as a signal you weren't where he was relationship-wise, he might have seen it as a way to shut down from the emotional roller coaster. His inquiry into whether you had talked about him to your friends means he wants to know if the whole world knows his embarrassing incident. Yes just confirmed his worst fears. I know it sounds bad, but a Virgo is a center of calm usually. Any disturbance to that calm has to be met with an appropriate response. To have that replaced by fear, doubt, and self-recrimination is anathema to how we operate.
I definitely have to work for my knowledge as a Virgo. I can just sit back and soak it in, or I can try and tackle it intensely "head on", but I still have a discomfort until I thoroughly grasp it, which can take a bit of time. Then once I have it, I have to take an even longer time to filter out wrong information. I never really trust my knowledge to be 100% accurate. I can definitely sympathize with the friend regurgitating bad information... *ouch* boy do I sympathize.
If I get into a back and forth, I am either being social and bouncing ideas, or I'm trying to learn. I don't like to compete, but I have had some Virgos argue with me. Once, with a Virgo coworker, to prove he was arguing with me just to argue with me, I repeated back to him something he said to me a few weeks earlier and he argued with me for a half an hour about how wrong I was. Sheesh. He was not amused when he found out he was the source of the information.
I don't see either as the best actually, since either can be off the mark in terms of accuracy.. just for different reasons.
On the other hand.... if this is true, then to be of any use, one must be born into this universe at a very specific place and time. To have been born anywhere else (or at a different time), would show you to be a different person according to the model. This is the truly mystical side of Astrology from my point of view.
We are all influenced by the world around us. Whether the event is small or large by global standards means little, since any particular event may have great impact on an individual and the choices he/she makes. We share our area of the universe with the planets in our solar system, and we can see them against the backdrop of stars in the night sky. I believe that by using the practically eternal movements of the objects in the heavens above, that we have developed a model useful for describing human behavior. Models are useful for describing patterns that are too complex to describe in any other way. Models take information we can track and spit out results that are similar to the real thing. We have long used models to track weather fronts with increasing accuracy. We can model and predict the fluctuations of the stock market, even though the buy and sell orders are made by human decisions that are not accounted for by the model at all. One can use a non-linear equation that describes water moving through a pipe to describe movement of cars along a multi-lane highway. By mapping the heavens we use the natural world around us to give ourselves an idea of who we are (individually and together)... among other things. Much, of course, depends on our ability to read and interpret the information correctly.
Virgo sun Sign, with Virgo Ascendant
# You can be a personality who's maniacal, cheeseparing (miserly), haunted by the fear of want, incapable of taking a risk. One then finds you without great ambitions, without audacious initiatives, preferring anonymity and security to everything else.
# In all cases, you're a worker whose professional conscience and efficacy are irreplaceable.
# Your affections can become strong and deep with time but always have difficulty manifesting themselves. With you, reason always tries to bear on sentiments. Once fixed, you prove to be a serious and faithful partner, extremely devoted to his/her beloved ones.
As is true of so much else in Astrology -- You cannot take one or two parts of a chart and describe the whole person perfectly.
I didn't read more than a post beyond the original, so hopefully this hasn't been given. In my experience, if he is backing off every time you pursue more, then it's time to just let it go. He just isn't going to be on the same wavelength as you. I think of us Virgos as WYSIWYG types. We Virgos can be secretive, but try and get us to go in a direction we don't want to go and we'll be as stubborn as Army mules. He seems to be trying to be nice about it at least, even though it is causing you some trouble anyway. Good Luck.
I was doing a random Google search for something astrologically related, when I came across this thread. Just wanted to toss a reply to this one even though it's been a while since the last one. I have 6 planets in Virgo in the 12th house. 5 are part of a stellium. Mercury 24Vir55, Sun 21Vir13, Uranus 20Vir06, Pluto 18Vir22, Moon 16Vir58, and Venus off to the side at 6Vir49. Ascendant is at 27Vir12. A triple Virgo on top of everything.
7:05 AM CDT, 14 Sept 66, 42N22 87W51 :-)
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