RIGHT. Home and finally written everything out here goes:
Sun/Aries/6 deg 30'
Moon/Virgo/3 deg 52'
Mercury/Aries/25 deg 08'
Venus/taurus/10 deg 36'
Mars/gemini/26 deg 40'
Jupiter/Leo/3 deg 33'
Saturn/Aquarius/4 deg 51'
Uranus/Capricorn/13 deg 37'
Neptune/Capricorn/16 deg 38'
Pluto/Scorpio/20 deg 04'
Lilith/Sagittarius/26 deg 40'
Ascending node/Capricorn/ 25 deg 34'
Jupiter 2 deg 57'123
Saturn 1deg 40'364
Venus 6 deg 44'38
Mars 1 deg 33'193
Saturn 5 deg 45'-10
Uranus 3 deg 01'93
Neptune 6deg 03'33
Ascending 6 deg 38'18
Saturn 1 deg 17'-231
Neptune 3deg 02'139
Ascending 3deg 37'16
Pluto 3deg 26'28
Ascending 0 deg 36'19
Ascending 2 deg 50'15
Asteroids and chiron
Cancer 22deg 16
Scorpio 2 deg 12R
Virgo 8 deg 09R
Capricorn 24deg 03'
Gemini 6 deg 17'
Aquarius 14 deg 35'
Cancer 25 deg 34'
Hope this is all correct! Let me know if you need anything else!
I'm very very new to astrology and star signs, but was wondering if anybody would be able to tell me which signs are more compatible with Aries depending on placements etc? lot of people on here sound like they know their stuff, I'd be really interested to know!
Thanks guys! ??
Well, I confronted him
Today, and told him I knew he went to Greece, due to seeing pictures on his phone.
My cap has been looking to move abroad for a while ( something he didn't fill me in on until last week tuesday) , he doesn't feel happy living in London, and he wants a change of job/pace of life. He had been feeling to go to either Italy Spain or Greece. So when I confronted him he told me he didn't know how to tell me without me automatically assuming it was her he was going to see, and he was worried about hurting me. (Truecap, some truth in what you said!)
I explained to him that if he had come to me and spoken to me about it ,while I might have had wanted some reassurance it wasn't for her, I would have probably been fine, to find out this way is much much worse.
He didn't see her for the first few days he was there, because she was working, but them and friends did go out on Friday night ( must have been the pictures I saw)
He got quite upset while we were talking. He said he felt like I understood him better than most, even his own family, that I knew how he was feeling and he felt very open with me.
I'm very glad we had the chat and cleared the air... But regardless or anything if he gets the job offer in Greece, he will go.
I don't doubt he doesn't care for me. I understand that if you don't feel happy somewhere you need to make the change, I would never ask him to stay because of me, that would be selfish
@caplove oh don't worry I didn't fall over swooning with hearts in my eyes, but I definitely picked up on them and thought it was jumping the gun a bit!
Yeah I see what you mean completely!
Yes he definutey should have there is no reason he shouldn't have, because now even if there was genuinely nothing going on because he hid it it makes it seem tainted now.
Yep planning to have the discussion in the next few days. If he does still see something worth salvaging with her and has feelings then not much I can do the decision is made!