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estelatortuga joined October 08, 2017


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I'm Taurus with Venus and mars in cancer, he is cancer with Venus in cancer mars in Taurus.

The past two weeks we have been on five dates, initiated by both of us. We are super affectionate with each other and he added me on social media...

This week texting has been slow, yesterday I asked him to the cinema and he said he has a dinner but maybe after that if it isn't too late. I didn't hear from him, nor today! Is this a fade, a test or what? Do I let him be, or should I say something?
I am Taurus and been on five dates with a cancer guy in the past 2 weeks, initiated by both of us. He has been silent this weekend though :/ he did add me on Instagram though... I asked him to the cinema yesterday and he said he has a birthday dinner but if it ends early he may text me, he didn't get in touch thiugh or today either. Is he testing me, or fading or just need space? Btw I made this into a post but for some reason it is invisible on the forum
Hello everyone,

I met a Cancer guy two weeks ago and we have been on 5 dates, initiated mainly by him but also by me. 5 really fun dates with lots of kissing, holding hands and hugging. We text almost everyday, on his online dating profile it says he prefers not to have to communicate everyday though.

I last saw him on tuesday, we have not had sex yet. This weekend was quite busy for us so we didn't hang out, but he has also been quite... distant. Yesterday I asked him what he was up to and if he wanted to go to the cinema. He answered back straight away with lots of smiley emojis asking how I am, and that he has to go to his friends birthday dinner but that maybe after that he will text me to do something if it isn't too late. He never texted me though in the end. This is not a red flag I hope, right?

He says he has never been in love, he doesn't know how it feels, and he likes it when the girl he likes asks him out as it shows she is interested. Is he starting to slow fade, or is it normal to not have to text every day?

He also has Mars in taurus, Cancer in venus and Not sure what his moon sign is yet. Could anyone explain more about him please? Does he need lots of space, or is it ok to text him asking him how he is? How do they act when they like you? I am taurus with an aries moon, cancer mars and cancer venus! My cancer venus makes me quite cautious as I don't want to get hurt, but I also feel intense feelings and aries moon makes me a bit impatient so force myself to stop.

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