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exoskeleton_ joined April 24, 2020


it's the witches, bruh
hasn't it always been? we are the true mystics of the internets
cheers to better days ahead! ❤️
positive and optimistic? trying 😂
that joke isn't funny anymore!
where can i make one?
milk my prostate, puta
r u ready for the apocalypse
shot my eye out

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Posted by MareInfame
Posted by exoskeleton_

scorpiho 101! learn how to:

- hide in a crowd

- get away w murder

- do the sexy

- not self destruct

I remember you 🙂

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cheers love! smile
scorpiho 101! learn how to:

- hide in a crowd

- get away w murder

- do the sexy

- not self destruct
12th house stellium

scorp mercury in 9th house

cap moon and neptune conjunct in 12th house

scorp stellium
scorp mc, sure
hiking, biking, swimming, down for whatever
you'll know it's a forced connection if you have intrusive thoughts/dreams about them that feel random, unnatural, and uncomfortable to you. note he may not even be aware he's doing it and just wanking off.

stop contacting him, stop accepting his invitations, and set clear boundaries.

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